8: The Before Full Moon Fight

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Barry allen here and I'm running to Mexico because that's where the pack thinks Roy is, I looked in front of me and saw what Thea said a couple minutes ago: it's a church that is falling apart.

I stopped out side and then supergirl showed up next to me... Wait supergirl?! “Supergirl what are you doing here?!" I asked, she looked at me shocked aswell “we tracked Lex to this place, why are you here?" asked Kara, why would Lex be here? “a friend of mine has been kidnapped, some others are here but you can trust alot of them" I answered and then the jet landed and the supernaturals came runningg out in there supernatural form and Speedy came running out “uh oh" I heard Thea say, I didn't question it.

Me, Thea and Kara were getting read to fight then we saw someone, no two people Roy and Clark?! “CLARK!? " me and Kara shouted, they both looked horrible and then “DEREK JACKSON WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN CLARK?! " shouted all of the pack, what do they mean Derek?!

Peter hale here and I'm confused, I just found my nephew and the Flash and Supergirl have called him Clark. Derek and Jackson looked horrible.  me, Thea and Malia ran up to Jackson who was practically carrying my nephew “Roy you shouldn't be carrying him" said Thea “I'm fine compared to him, Derek can barely stand let alone walk!" Jackson responded, what Jackson said was true it looks like he can't stand so I got underneath Derek's other arm, taking some of his wight of off Jackson and Malia got underneath Jackson's arm. We started going back to the Jet until Supergirl stopped me “where are you going with my cousin?" supergirl asked, ok I'm super confused now “what do you mean cousin? He's my nephew!" I stated “and he's my cousin, not yours" Malia growled, I don't think she believed us oh well it's not like I care “can you two shut it! Your both right!" Jackson shouted, I'm even more confused but I just continued to go to the jet, my nephew and Jackson need to explain.

We were now on the Jet in the air, Lydia has been removing the green glowing blades from Derek's body, the blades were all over him! Supergirl is flying right next to the jet and the Flash is running underneath “Derek you had fifty blades stuck inside of you!" Lydia said angrily, fifty?! “make that fifty-five, he pulled some out" Jackson added, Derek just ignored what they were saying “Derek what did Supergirl mean when she said you are her cousin?" I asked “I'll explain back at the loft, we both will" Derek answered, I'll just leave it at that, what are they hiding?

We were at the loft now, all of us were waiting for then to explain “Clark why did these people call you Derek? And those two say you were his nephew and her cousin ?" asked Kara, by the way Derek and Jackson told us there real names “what did you mean cousin!? He's my nephew!" I said again, Malia just growled at her, and anyway Kara isn't Derek's cousin she's an alien “can you two shut it?!" growled Derek, that's Derek but Kara, Barry, Cisco, Felicity, Caitlin and Diggle all looked shocked, guess she isn't his cousin or she would know he was like that “ok I'll explain, god I didn't want this to come out to either of you" Derek mumble, what did he mean come out? What's he's hiding? And what did he mean us two? “I'm not who you think I am..." Derek started.

My nephew is an alien... And a werewolf... he is also a superhero? “ok Jackson just let that sink in before you start" said Stiles, he doesn't seem phased at all “wait Stiles did you know?!" I asked, that got everyone looking at Stiles “yes me and Lydia found out a couple weeks ago" said Stiles, so he and Lydia knew so why didn't I?! He's my nephew! “I sort of know about Jackson's past" said Isaac, how does he know?! Jackson was glaring at Isaac, I guess Jackson didn't know he knew “I was hawking Thea about it and I watched a couple videos" Isaac said, wait videos? “what video?" asked Jackson there was a hint of worry in his voice... What video? “I watched many videos but I watched glades betrayed Roy Harper" Said Isaac, Jackson face fell he was worried... About a video? And Derek pulled his face from his hands, he looked a little worried aswell so did Felicity and Diggle and Thea ... What is on that video? “I bet you have questions about what I said in the video" assumed Jackson hints of worry in his voice, can one of them explain! “yes I do, what did you mean About no one wil-" Isaac started “shut it! You say one more word about that video to anyone and I will sent you to Lian yu!" threatened Thea, she had her bow pointed at Isaac. What's on that video? “Lian yu?" asked Scott, what's a Lian yu?

Derek hale and Jackson Whitmore or Clark kent and roy harper Where stories live. Discover now