9: Twenty-four Hours Till The Moon Rise

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Thea and it's only Twenty-four hours till the full moon “so every time you guys came over you'd all do this?" asked Jordan, laughing has died down so we can talk now “ya we would remiss about the past" Roy answered, it's funny how we all got here because of a full moon “is it normal to fell weird when it's a full moon?" Jonathan asked “yes" said Derek and Roy, we all laughed at that, then there was a nock on the door “the pack, and the teams" Derek said, why are they here now? Derek walked to the door and opened it, they were all shouting questions “SHUT IT!" shouted Clark, the teams were still shocked when Derek did that “you guys still need answers, but one at a time!" Derek moaned, he has a point... Wait I'm calling him Derek that's new normally I call him Clark guess I'm ues to to it.

“what's with R.J and D.C?" asked Cisco, really? He should of figured that out,  I thought he was smart “really that's what you ask, Roy Jackson Derek Clark, you understand now?" Derek answered, Cisco looked very stupid after that question “and you can't call us that, it's a me and D.C thing" Roy advised.

Everyone has asked questions hopefully that's all of them or there is only a couple more “why does Jackson keep growling at us?" asked Lydia, why dose she want to know “when Jackson loses control and then gains control he's very protective of the people he cares about" I explained, “more like loves" Lois added, why did she have to add that? “loves? So he's over protective of Thea" Lydia said, he loves more then just me “not just Thea" Lois added, ok she can stop now “then who else? Derek" Lydia joked, me, Roy, Ivory, Derek, Lois and the boys just looked at her “ok" Lydia said and we sat in silence.

“why didn't you tell us?" Peter asked, oh god this question “well I couldn't because I faked my death and to be honest I don't trust most you I didn't tell team Arrow and Flash because I'm a literal snake wolf hybrid thing with archery skills who is supposed to be dead!" Roy yelled, that's not what he told us but he has a point, the room was giving him blank looks “snake.. wolf.. hybrid thing" Jonathan said before he burst out laughing, we all laughed a little “Derek why didn't you tell us?" asked Scott, I swear these questions are getting annoying “well I, I wanted to keep the werewolf life in Beacon Hills I guess" Clark said, I know he has a better reason but it's hard to explain.

We sat in silence for a minute “so snake eyes are kadima, green is were-jaguar, orange is kitsune, black is wend-, blue is murder, yellow is beta and red is alpha?" Barry asked, he stopped saying wendigo because Roy growled at him, but could tell there was more to the question “yes" Derek and Jackson moaned, many people have asked this question “so what's blue and red?" asked Barry, wait blue and red what's he talking about? “what do you mean blue and red?" asked Isaac “well Clar-" Barry began “I think you are talking about my heat-vision" Derek said, ya that must be what he's talking about... Right “but when you were talking to Kara your eyes glowed blue and red, it didn't look like heat-vision" Barry said, wait what?!  “actually Barry's right me and Peter saw it aswell, we went up to the roof to talk about it, that's why we weren't at the fight" Scott explained, and there just telling us now?! Derek looked like he was trying to understand what they told him “how's that possible?" asked Jordan, I don't think anyone knows how it's possible “you can't be becoming an true alpha so how?" Stiles mumbled, how are Derek's eyes glowing red? “we're forgetting that my dad has been an alpha!" Jonathan shouted, he's right... But what does that have to do with it? Everyone was looking at him “I was an alpha but I gave it up to save Cora my sister that you have never met" Derek said, that's true so where is Jonathan going with this? “yes but what if you didn't give it all up? What if it was hidden?" suggested Jonathan, he may be onto something.

It's been one hour since we started to discuss Derek's eyes, only Twenty-three hours till the full moon “that's a good theory, but we should all good to sleep, let's continue this after the full moon" suggested Caitlin, we all agreed and they left and went to bed, today is going to be crazy.

Derek hale and Jackson Whitmore or Clark kent and roy harper Where stories live. Discover now