6: Three In The Fold And One More Other Life

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Roy here and it's been a week since Thea, Lois and the boys arrived, heres what's been going on: Kate has been of the grid from when she tried to kill me and Derek, Thea and Lydia are great friends, Peter and Malia have got to know Jordan and Jonathan, we've got rid of all the kryptonite we could find, me, Isaac, Mccall and Stilinski have been teaching Jonathan and Jordan to play lacrosse, Mccall and Derek are doing a good on teaching Jonathan control it will be easier on him on the next full moon and Danny and Ethan who are dating have arrived, it's great to see my old friend Danny again. But Lydia has left for a couple days- or weeks to do something, so has Stilinski but that was a couple days ago. And that's what has happened in a week.

Me and Derek were alone in the loft, Thea and Lois were with Malia and Derek's sons were with Mccall and Isaac. Thea's phone rang, I guess she accidentally took my phone, I saw it was Felicity calling and I answered it "Thea we need your and Roy's help in central city" said Felicity, I could tell she was worried "why do you need are help and in central city?" I asked, I understand needing Thea's help but why dose Felicity need my help? And in Central city "Roy its good to here your voice, listen we only need your help for a couple day's or week's ok call me back tomorrow and say if your coming" Felicity rambled and hanged up, well.. That was strange. "Roy, I just got a call from Barry saying he needs my help" Derek said, they need his help aswell? What's going on in Central city "same, But from Felicity for help, in central city" I replied with, so they both need are help but we shouldn't leave, we need to stop Kate "hay guys, I think Kates gone of the radar" Mccall said as he entered, as if that wasn't obvious "hay dad" said Jonathan and Jordan and Mccall left.I kept thinking about that call Felicity and Barry needed are help, but why?

When night full came We had the pack and Argent over, every one was talking: Thea was talking to Peter, Lois and Malia, Mccall was talking to Isaac, Argent and Stilinski was face timing , liam was talking to Jonathan, Jordan, Ethan and Lydia also face timing, Derek was talking to me and Danny. Everyone talking and happy until... "I knew I recognised you, how'd you escape!" Thea shouted, pointing her bow with an arrow in it, at.. Argent?! How did she know Argent?!

Thea here and I'm talking to Malia, Peter and Lois, but I continued to glance at Argent, I know him from somewhere but where? "why do you keep looking at Argent?" Asked Peter, I guess he caught me glancing at Argent "I recognise him.. I just can't place him Anywhere" I answered honestly, just then he took of his jacket, which had his guns in. On his arms he had meny tattoo's of playing cards... Playing cards!

.."hay Oliver, Diggle said you were fighting a meta-human today, want to tell me about it" I asked Oliver "ok speedy, he was a meta with playing cards tattoo's, but he could pull them out of his skin and kill people with them, his code name was double down" Oliver replied with, thats sounds cool. "do you have a picture of him, so if he escapes you wouldn't have to fill me in then" I asked, Oliver pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of double down, and his tattoos..

He's double down! I knew I recognised him!

I quickly grabbed my bow and an arrow and pointed it at double down "I knew I recognised you! How'd you escape?" I shouted at double down, everyone was looking at me "Thea, what do you mean" Roy and Clark asked, as they ran up to me "you remember that meta I told you about, double down? The ability to pull playing cards out of his skin? Well Thats him!" I said in anger, never looking away from double down, it seemed to click for Roy and Clark because within a minute Clark was holding double down against the wall, I lowered my bow because Clark had him against the wall. You could practically see the anger coming of off Roy and Clark "so you hunted us for being supernatural but because you didn't know how you got abilities and aren't like supernatural YOU GET A FREE PASS?!" Clark growled, it was abit strange seeing him this angry, and a little scary "what's a meta and why is Derek so angry about it" asked Peter, I guess they've never been to Central City "a meta-human is like a supernatural but they can do anything from control the weather to turn to gas, run faster then you can imagine and go through mirrors or like Argent, or as I know him double down, pull of those tattoo's and kill people with them, they got there abilities from a science experiment gone right, but to the public it was experiment gone wrong" I answered, giving more answers to questions to come.

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