10: Planing + Batchellor/Batchellorette Partys

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Scott here and I've started to question something we learned weeks ago.... The video: glades betrayed Roy harper. Jackson nor Thea wanted no one to know, what is on it?

My pack was over here... I got my laptop and I'm going to look it up. I looked it up and saw a link "hay does anyone want to find out what that video that Jackson didn't want us to know about?" I asked, people came running in saying stuff like yes "no! You don't want to see what's on there!" shouted Isaac, he's already seen this video why dose he care "why? What's so bad about it?" asked Lydia, ya what's so bad about it? "it will change your look on Jackson, he hasn't even gave me answers on what's on that video" Isaac confessed, what's so bad about it? "Isaac this isn't your choice! We want to see it! What's so bad about it anyway?" I shouted, Isaac gave up he walked away, I pressed the link... The video started.

"oh my god" I said, Jackson was almost murdered... He didn't even care "we shouldn't of watched this" Stiles said, he's right we shouldn't of, I turned of my laptop "he didn't even care that he was going to die!" Lydia shouted, were all shocked.

I pulled my phone out I called Jackson, I put him on speacker "Jackson we watched the video, why did you say that?" I asked, everyone was waiting for an answer "the Whitmores abandoned me, the harper's died, I became a thief to stay alive! And no one cared, so tell me why I should of cared when I was about to die" Jackson answered, Jackson told us that he was a thief but that video... "Jackson, we're sorry that that happened to you" Lydia said, we are, he shouldn't of felt like that "it's fine, just don't mention the video" Jackson responded, he doesn't want to remember that video, I Can't blame him for not wanting to remember it.

Thea queen here and It's been two weeks since we stopped Kate and Lex and got the boys back, everyone else is doing regular stuff but me and Roy have been planning the wedding, we've found a venue for our wedding and chose the flowers, food and I've chosen my wedding dress, now we are discussing who to invite for are wedding.

"so we're inviting the kent hales, a couple of pack members, team arrows, a couple of over superheros, my family, Sara lance, Ray palmer, Ivory and Sin?" I asked, it's manly going to be just close friends, and we both agreed that Sin can know that Roy is alive and if the vows do reveal that he's a Kadima she can be trusted, she did help him with the Mirakuru "ya so we should send out the invites" Roy said, the wedding is soon, we are kind of rushing this. Just then Barry came running in "have everyone's invite?" Barry asked, he's going to run all of the invites to them "yes Barry, you can take them now" I answered, Barry just ran out, the next thing I knew all of the invites were gone, I don't even know why I'm surprised.

"who's going to be your bridesmaids?" Roy asked me, I've chosen my bridesmaids, I've already contacted them "Felicity, Mia and Laurel" I answered, Mia is young but she is old enough to be a bridesmaid, Roy nodded "so who's going to be your best men?" I asked, I'm pretty sure I know who Roy is going to ask "I want to ask Derek, I've already asked Diggle, wasn't this nervous asking him" Roy answered, diggle is also initiating the wedding... Roy looks off, I think I know why "you wish Oliver was able to come don't you?" I asked, we both wished he could, but he's dead... There's no way "it just feels so wrong for him not to come! I wish Oliver, Diggle and Derek could both be my best men but Oliver is dead." Roy revealed, we both miss Oliver, he's my brother and Roy's saviour... Without Oliver Roy would of died.... Repeatedly.

Roy harper here and I'm going to ask Derek to be my best man, Derek was with his family, including Peter and Malia "hay D.C, can I talk to you?" I asked, next thing I knew I was on the roof, Derek was smirking, He picked me up! "Derek, for the last time DON'T PICK ME UP!" I shouted, Derek Just laughed, he's happy "I could tell you were nervous so I took us up here, and I wanted to mess with you" Derek chuckled at the end, he's so happy.. it's still wierd "so what did you want to ask me R.J?" Derek asked, ok here goes nothing "D.C I want you to be one of my best men!" I yelled, I had to say it loudly and fast "you... You want me to be one of your best men?" Derek repeated, there was shock in his voice, oh god what now?!

Derek hale and Jackson Whitmore or Clark kent and roy harper Where stories live. Discover now