11: The rehearsal dinner And The Wedding

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Roy harper here and I'm checking who is coming to my and Thea's wedding. "it looks like everyone can come, and we got two letters in response" Thea said, I picked up the letters, one was from Sara and the others from... Sin, this might not be good... I opened Sin's one first.

"you have some explaining to do Abercrombie! I thought you were dead! You better explain or else! It's been years since you died! I'm glad to see that you and Thea made it work and I'll be there to kick your ass! And to be there for the actual wedding of course, I'm glad you're not dead anymore"

Well I'm glad Sin is still Sin, and there's no doubt that she will kick my ass, now time to read Sara's letter.

"hay Thea Roy, I'm writing this to tell you that I am the future Sara, your present Sara is a little busy so we are coming instead, by we I mean me, Ava and Ray, Ray's been hanging out on the wave rider for a little while so that's why he's here. Can't wait to see you"

Well ok, everyone's coming and Sin will attack me and Sara is from the future, I don't know what else I expected.

Thea here and It's the rehearsal dinner, everyone's here except Sin, I know this because Sin would of attacked Roy by now... And it looks like she just arrived "hay Sin" me and Roy said, Sin smiled guess she's glad to see us "it's good to see you Abercrombie, Princess or shall I call you Prince Abercrombie?" Sin joked, we both gave a chuckle, this was what Sin would do "ok now explain." Sin said, humour was gone she was serious, we went outside to explain.

Once we got outside Sin elbowed Roy in the stomach, Roy bent down in pain covered him stomach, Sin started to punch him, I pushed them away from each other "owww I should of ex-expected that sti-ill" Roy groaned, I helped Roy back up, he groaned again like I expected "you should of! Abercrombie I thought you were dead!" Sin shouted, she got her elbow ready "Sin I had to die to protect Oliver!" Roy shouted quickly as he ducked ready for Sin to attack, Sin paused and put her elbow down, Roy let out a breath he was holding... Do I need to remind him that he is a vigilante? Not to mention that he's a werewolf kadima! God is he a moron.

"Roy William Harper explain now or I will elbow you AGAIN" Sin threatened, she really likes to attack people with that elbow doesn't she? "ok Oliver was arrested for being the Arrow...." Roy started, how many people have we told now? 29?

Roy here and I just told Sin everything, I'm waiting for a response... Sin just started laughing "you-you were r-rich" Sin was able to choke out, of course she finds that funny "I was rich, and I hated every dam moment of it" I admitted, I was true I hated it "but you, you Abercrombie rich? I can't" Sin laughed, I understand why Sin finds this funny but it's getting a little annoying "ok Sin that's enough let's head inside" Thea said, it took Sin a couple more minutes to stop laughing but then she agreed to go back inside.

It's been a little while till I told Sin everything, nothing has really happened except everyone's been a little off "Hay Thea Roy, can I talk to you outside for a minute?" Sara asked, why? Don't tell me she's going to attack me "ya ok Sara" Thea answered, we followed Sara outside. Sara was smiling.... I feel like something going to happen "ok so I couldn't think of anything to get you but I knew you would would want this for your wedding so I convinced my girlfriend to let this happen, come out now!" Sara explained, what did she mean by come out now? What did she mean by convince her girlfriend? We heard noises from behind us, me and Thea got ready to fight but we didn't expect this.... "hay thea, hay Roy" he said, I Can't believe it, it's him....

....it's Oliver

"Oliver? H-how?" I asked, I think Thea was to shocked to say anything, this makes so much sense to what Sara was saying, I ran to Oliver and hugged him "I know you hate hugs but you can yell at me later!" I mumbled, Oliver hugged me- OLIVER HUGGED ME BACK?! Is he ok? oh well I don't care "I miss you aswell Roy but stop hugging me so I can hug my sister" Oliver said, I stopped hugging him, Thea started walking closer to him, she turned to Sara "how?" Thea asked, how is Oliver here? "I travelled back in time and got him, and don't worry we already took care of everything" Sara explained, why did he say he missed me the- oh I'm probably already dead. And what did she me- oh I don't care atleast Oliver's here. Thea ran and hugged him "I missed you Ollie" Thea mumbled, Oliver pulled me into the hug and we stayed like that for a while.

After a while we went inside and no one was shocked, guessing that's why they were acting weird, Diggle and Derek explained that Oliver was Joining them as a best man because they know I want him as one, Oliver mainly was with Felicity, William and Mia, it was normal and I'm now going to sleep, tomorrow I'm marrying the woman of my dreams tomorrow.

I'm waiting for Thea to walk out, yep it's already the wedding, I looked out and saw my friends and my family, then Thea walked out she looks so beautiful. Thea and I were standing at the Alter.

"Today we are here to see two very loved and important people to all of us Roy harper and Thea queen on a day I personally have been waiting years to see happen... They have so much love for each other and with the journey they've taken and faced together to get to this day... I know they will be there for each other from now until forever!" Diggle took a quick look around the room and thought to the rest of the world it would be a room full of heroes but to him especially knowing Oliver was their with them, it was a room full of one big family.

He then looked at Roy and Thea "we are now at the time for you both get to say your vows and where you make the best decision your ever going to make... Epecially you Roy" Diggle said with a smile on his face and a light laugh. I breathed in and out time to say my vows “some people would wish that they had a better life or wished the bad stuff didn't happen, but not me without all the bad that happened I wouldn't of become a thief and never stolen your purse and that's the best thing that happened to me, Thea you have always been there for me and I love you so much for that alone, I'm glad you're marring me."I said, that was my vow now time for Thea's “Roy you changed my life I've been more then just happy when I was with you and I'm glad that we made it back to each other, tail and all" Thea said, she had to mention the tail? “you may kiss the bride" said Diggle, me and Thea kissed we are officially married!

It's been an hour since we got married and oliver needs to go to the past so I'm going to tell him I'm a Kadima “hay Oliver I need to tell you something..."I started, it's a weird thing to tell people: hay I'm a Kanima werewolf! You'd think it'd get easier, it doesn't “you mean that you're a werewolf kadima? Roy did you think I don't keep tabs on you?" asked Oliver, wha- HE KNOWS?! I was shocked, but I guess it would make sense for him to keep track of me “I just thought you didn't... Why did I think you didn't know?!" I asked, it's Oliver so I should of figured he knew.

The day is over, I'm sitting on the sofa with Thea and Ivory, today I got married to the love of my life sure tomorrow the day will be back to are crazy life but right now I'll enjoy the silence.

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