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Picture of Celestia above!

UPDATE: Just a little heads up, chapters 1 to 13 were a little different like 2 years ago when I started the book. Basically I re-read the chapters and found it super cringe and childish lmao so I decided to change a few things. Dont worry tho, the context and stuff are still same. I just changed a few description and how I wanted you to picture the scene. Alright, enjoy! :)

"CELESTIA DON VEGA! This is the last time I'm calling you! DO NOT make me drag you down here!" My mom screamed from downstairs. I sighed and dragged myself out of bed. Today was supposed to be the so-called 'emergency family meeting' which I've been trying to avoid since last week.

Let me introduce myself...

I am Celestia Don Vega and I'm a to-be Queen of the Moonlight werewolf pack. It's not easy when your parents start peer pressuring you into something you dread.

"C'mon, it's not as bad as you think. What could go wrong? I mean at least it's Dante that they're setting you up with. Imagine if it was that creep, Kai." Jazzy said with a debating tone.

Jazzy is my inner wolf whom I connect with all the time. We're mind-linked, kind of like two souls in one body. I'm the human and she's the beast. Every werewolf has one. It's one of those things that makes us who we are as mythical creatures. Jaz can be scary and judgmental and her choice of words is very... questionable at times.

I stepped in front of the mirror and stared at myself wondering if there ever was a point in being attractive. Or maybe I wasn't attractive at all? Long, straight jet black hair, tanned skin, defined jaw, almond brown eyes, and peachy lips. What was there to 'not' like? When will I ever find him?

Snapping out of my thoughts, I hopped into the shower and let the water consume me, hoping it would wash away the negative thoughts in my head.

30 minutes later after drying myself and changing into something casual, I reach the kitchen in search of food ignoring the three pairs of eyes staring daggers at me. Caleb, my younger brother cleared his throat, "You might wanna take a seat, sis."

I rolled my eyes and groggily sat down beside my brother while the maids brought in my breakfast. "Celestia, sweetie, we need to talk," said my dad, Gerald Don Vega, the current Alpha of our pack until my dreadful coronation.

"About what, Papa?" I asked innocently eyeing the pancakes before me.

"You can't avoid this topic forever. You've been avoiding it for more than a month now. You're the eldest in the family and it's your responsibility to take matters into your own hands," he said. I sighed and nodded for him to go on. He gave me a small reassuring smile and proceeded with the formidable talk.

"Celest, your coronation is in 4 weeks and you will be crowned as Luna of our pack which means we will need a new Alpha, your mate."

I put down my fork losing my appetite on hearing the word 'mate'. After years of snooping around trying to find that one person and failing each time, at the age of 22, I've given up. Until I met Nathan, my ex-fiancé. He wasn't my mate, but we fell in love...or so I thought until his lying and cheating face was revealed. I turned 26 last week, definitely not something I would celebrate.

"Celest, baby, I know it's difficult for you to process all this. You will make a beautiful and strong Luna. I believe in you, my princess." My mother, Alicia Don Vega said holding up my chin and kissing my forehead.

"I know Mama. Thank you....but that's not what I'm worried about...." I trailed off.

"Your mate." My mom finished. I looked up at her and she gave me a sad smile.

"That brings us to what I was going to talk about next...Celestia, if you don't find your mate by the next 3 weeks then..." He looked at Mom and back at me.

"You're going to ask me to marry Dante, am I right?" I said, finishing his sentence.

"Y-yes," Papa said with an astonished expression. 

It was pretty obvious they were planning something like this for a long time now. It's like they've lost hope before I did and we're now ready to push me into the abyss. Were they going to lie to the people and make them believe Dante indeed was my mate? What kind of leader lies to his people?

A flashback of Dante's worried look came flooding in. The week before this meeting, he had called me asking me to meet him at our old hangout spot. We talked about our normal lives until the real question came in. 

"Why are your parents asking me to marry you?" He asked. I internally smacked my forehead from the stupidity of my parents. Dante then told me he had found his mate that day and he looked truly happy. When will it be my turn? 

I snapped out of my train of thoughts and prepared to sternly answer my father. 

"It wasn't that hard to figure out, besides he told me everything," I said, poking at the stray blueberries on my plate. 

I sighed and finally found the courage to look him in the eye. "For the millionth time papa, Dante is my best friend. We are not going to marry each other. If I don't find my mate then I guess I'll have to lead the pack without a king and that's my final decision."

I rose from my seat and excused myself from the table.

"Oh and no more family meetings about my coronation. It's getting pretty annoying now." I said before walking away.

Short I knowwww. sorryyy but please don't give up on me. I swear it'll get better! Until next time my people!

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