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Marcello's POV:

"What the fuck are you wearing, princess?" I chuckled. No doubt she looks fucking gorgeous in that skimpy outfit and all I wanted to do was rip it off of her. I hadn't noticed it was her under the mask until she sat on my lap and her scent hit me like Cupid's arrow. I didn't realize how much I've missed her and it's only been a few hours. I had so many questions to ask her but they could wait, right now I just wanted to drown in her presence.

"What? Don't you like it? Do you want me to take it off?" She devilishly smirked.

Fuck, my dick hurts.

"Trust me, I would've done it as soon as you sat on me but I don't want these bastards to look at something I laid my eyes on," I said smirking back at her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and blushed, "You are the first man to see me completely naked."

"And I will be the last." The words slipped out of my mouth almost immediately like my lips had a brain of their own but I didn't even bother correcting them. I was too drunk and tired and wanted her close to me.

She raised her eyebrows in shock and before she could say anything else, I kissed her soft lips again and handed her my suit jacket. "Let's go home," I said as she helped me off my seat because I was a bit too tipsy from all the alcohol.

We got into my car and the driver drove back to my house. I didn't bother to let Dario know, he was too busy with the strippers and would probably spend the entire night there. God, find him a good woman who can beat his ass.

The effect of alcohol was now starting to peak, and I rubbed my temple in frustration. Celestia put her hand on my shoulder a look of concern in her eyes. "Why'd you drink so much?" she asked.

"I don't know," I said resting my head on her shoulder and cuddling closer to her neck. I didn't know what else to say to that question. Everything seemed to be hectic in my life. Handling the mafia alone isn't a small job when you have a big family to look after their safety and protection and on top of that, I couldn't afford to love a stranger and bring her to my home and trust her to keep my secrets. Amelia was probably the worst thing that happened to me after my father died. She shattered my trust and loyalty, maybe it was for the best that I killed her that night. My brothers suggested I see other people but there really is no point because I've completely shut off my feelings and now I'm being a hypocrite to myself. I'm melting again for the second time in my life for someone I barely know and yet she brings out the best in me, better than anyone ever could.

"Vuoi essere la mia ragazza?(Will you be my girlfriend?)"

She chuckled as I felt her shoulder shake. "I'll answer that question when your sober, Romeo."


Celestia's POV:

I poured a hot cup of coffee and placed it beside the bowl of fruit cereal. Last night was a little chaotic for him and he deserved a good breakfast. I walked up to the kitchen island to make myself a cup of coffee. "Do you want me to make you something?"

I turned around and a woman stood behind me in a maid's uniform, smiling at me.

"Uh, thanks but coffee is fine I guess." I smiled back. "Oh, come on. I know you like pancakes," she said opening the cupboards and reaching for the flour.

"How did you know I like pancakes?" I asked surprised.

"Mr.Dominic talks about you a lot." She said looking up from her batter mix as I blushed at her response. "My name is Diana by the way and I know who you are, you don't need to introduce yourself." She smiled.

"I wanna slam my head inside a microwave right now," Marcello groaned entering the kitchen with his hand on his forehead.

"About time you woke up, it's 11 in the morning." I chuckled sitting him down on a stool.

"I don't fucking care, just shoot me please." He said groaning again, banging his head on the kitchen counter. "Did you take the pill I left for you?"

"Yeah, and then I puked," He groaned for the third time. I laughed and heard Diana giggling as well. Who knew a scary mafia boss could be such a baby?

I urged Marcello to finish his breakfast while Diana placed my pancakes on the counter and exited the kitchen. I sat down opposite him and took a bite out of my pancake while he devoured his bowl of cereal.

"So, what happened last night? Apart from you sneaking in as a stripper," Marcello asked without looking up from his breakfast. I froze for a second, contemplating whether I should tell him about his drunk ass asking me to be his girlfriend or just act like everything is normal.

"Nothing really happened after that, we just drove home and I put you to bed," I said quickly, avoiding the anxiety in my voice. He stopped eating and took a sip of his coffee. "Nothing interesting happened in the car?" He was now looking at me as if he knew exactly what happened.

I let out a nervous laugh, "Funny you ask actually. You might or might not have asked me to be your girlfriend." I laughed again to ease the tension. He just sat still looking at me with his head slightly tilted. He was taking way too long to respond and my anxiety started to kick in once more.

"And what was your answer?"

"I didn't answer."


"Because you were drunk and people don't mean what they say when they're drunk!" I said, raising my voice a bit too high. "Wrong, people tend to express their inner feelings when they're drunk but if it makes you feel any better then..." He stood up and slowly walked over to me. He then held my hand and knelt down. "I'll ask you again while I'm sober. Will you be my girlfriend, Celestia?"

"Finally! Say yes and kiss him!" Jazz squealed.

My heart leaped into my throat. I've been waiting for this day for so long, I legit wanted to cry. "Y-yes! I would be honored to be your girlfriend, Marcello." We both had wide smiles spread across our faces. He stood up and kissed my forehead. "Alright then, today's our first date. Get ready by 7." He said leaving the kitchen. I smiled to myself and finished my breakfast.

So far, today was the best day of my life.

OMYGAWD THEY'RE DATING!!! Total couple goalsss. This chapter took so long for me to write. I was being way to lazy the past 3 days. But all is well and I will be back with another chapter....soon! :) <3

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