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Marcello's POV:

I watched Celestia growl under her breath staring intently at the shrub three feet away from her. I took out the Silver Mauser from my waistband while still trying to process the fact that I had been living with a mystical creature for the past 4-5 weeks.

There is no way. They're fairytales, there's no way.

Before I could doubt any further a voice came out from behind the same shrub. "Welcome back, baby", said the raspy voice. The shrub shook as a pair of glowing red eyes emerged from behind it. To my surprise, it was a big black wolf. In fact, too big to be any normal-looking wolf.

I aimed my gun at it as it slowly walked toward us. Celestia kept growling while backing away from the big wolf.

"What do you want, Nathan?" she yelled angrily.

"Nothing much, baby. I just followed the scent of fresh meat." The wolf said.

The wolf can talk!? I have officially lost it.

The black beast looked at me with blood-red eyes and flashed his canines to which it seemed like he was grinning.

"You brought a human with you. Interesting... Care to share?" He said, inching closer and sniffing the air.

"Leave now, or it won't end well for you," Celestia said in a much calmer voice.

"Sure, I'll leave. After I get a bite of that human meat and rip you apart so I can send the rest of you back to your family. I would love to see their reaction." He laughed.

This fucking animal. Figlio di puttana (son of a bitch).

My blood started to boil and the grip on my gun tightened. I may not know what the fuck is going on but this trashbag has no right to talk to her that way. I aimed my gun at his hind legs and pulled the trigger. 

"Fuck! What the fuck is this? Silver?" The animal groaned in pain and blood spurted out from the open wound. 

"You fucking piece of shit," said the animal as it looked me dead in the eyes and slowly rose to his feet. It started to inch closer, growling at me while his canines grew a bit longer. I pointed my gun at him again, ready to shoot him one more time. Time was ticking and we were both ready for a sudden movement and impact. The black wolf pounced at me at an inhuman speed but before I could pull the trigger another wolf leaped onto the black beast, pinning him to the ground. I watched in disbelief as the two animals fought mercilessly growling and biting each other. 

Now is the time to make a run for it.

I looked to my side to grab Celestia and to my horror, she was gone. I looked around the space and still, there was no sign of the beautiful brunette. That's when my gaze landed on the reddish-brown wolf struggling with the black one trying to land a bite on its neck. 

A flashback of the time I took her shopping and her change of appearance in the car washed over me. Orange hair, and blue eyes. 

It's her. This cannot be. I genuinely thought she was messing with me but it's actually real. There is no way I can deal with this and no way I can be involved in one of the world's mysteries. No one would believe me. 

I watched as the red wolf managed to land a proper bite to the beast's neck. The black being started to whimper in pain but growled at her one last time and leaped to its feet and vanished into the thick forest ahead. 

I looked at the ripped pieces of clothing beside my feet, the clothes Celestia was wearing were now shredded. How can a tiny being like her turn into such a powerful beast? There's no guarantee she'll spare my life if anything goes wrong between us or perhaps I'm falling into some trap and she's leading me straight to it. All of this is fucked up and they're no human. 

I looked at the red wolf slowly approaching me with blood stains on its fur. It looked at me with those icy blue eyes. 

I'm not taking any chances.

I lifted my hands and pointed the gun at it. The wolf stopped dead in its tracks. It froze for a minute before sitting down and panting with its pink tongue out of its mouth. It started to lick itself and remove the blood stains from its fur while I stood there with my gun pointing at it. 

It's not afraid. Why the fuck am I hesitating? Why can I not pull the trigger?

The beautiful red wolf sat there looking at me and waiting for me to make a move while I fought my inner demons, struggling to make the right decision. 

'You're the only monster here, kill her!' Said a voice in my head.

'Don't kill her, you know she's different. You like her.' Said another voice. 

I tried to block the voices from my head and focus on my actions. I looked into the eyes of the red wolf in front of me and it whimpered. It was crying. I watched as it looked away and tried to blink the tears away but they were pretty visible. 

My hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they immediately lowered the gun. I slowly approached the wolf and it stood up shocking me a little. I inched closer and put my hand on its temple. The wolf closed its eyes and cuddled closer to my hand wanting me to pet some more. My demeanor changed and I smiled as I held the wolf closer to me. It had a rosy nectar scent to it, the same as Celestia. I scratched its neck for a while before letting it go as the wolf sat down in front of me and within a blink of an eye, it changed. 

Celestia sat there covering her naked body as much as she could. I took off my coat and wrapped it around her and trying hard not to look at her hungrily.

Since when did I start respecting a naked body? 

She sniffled and snuggled closer to me, "I know I trusted the right person," she said shivering in my arms.

My heart twinged at those words as I pictured myself mercilessly shooting the pretty maiden a few minutes ago. Guilt seared through my body as I closed my eyes and let out a sigh of relief. 

"How do you trust such a monster like me?"

Hey hey heyyyy. Its yo favorite gal right here. Fricking wattpad has been playing games with me for an entire month istg. Remember the announcement note I sent? I was supposed to post this chapter a really long time ago but for some reason, the chapter kept getting deleted! :(( I literally redid it like 5 times in total and each time it was the sameee. i almost gave up lmao but my cousin somehow fixed it. I totally owe her lol. But anyways I am back and it has been great, see yall next chapter! mwah <3

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