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Celestia's POV:

I stared at him with pain in my eyes as he went on about how he would slice me up like a pathetic animal. 

Is this what humanity has turned into?

He got up and left my cell, leaving the door unlocked and giving me an open possibility to make a run for it now and never look back. He walked up to the men guarding my cell and started to tell them something while my heart thumped out of my chest. 

Out of all the werewolves or humans in the world, you decided to pair me up with the most dangerous man you could possibly find? I looked up and prayed to the Moon Goddess. 

I stared intently at the open door in front of me, trying to finalize my decision. 

"Ok, but maybe we can change him? Love changes everybody." Jaz tried to argue.

Who am I kidding? This guy looks like he's incapable of love of any kind. I felt my heart break into a million pieces as tears rolled rolled down my cheeks. 

I should've listened to my parents. 

I slowly crept my way up to the door, and glanced at Marcello and the other men. Seeing they were too busy talking business, I looked at the staircase that led up stairs which meant I was in a basement of some building. I glanced one last time at their direction, holding my heart in my hands, I dashed past them. 

All the men turned their heads in my direction, and realized what just happened. Especially Marcello. 

"Cazzo (fuck), go after her!" Marcello yelled. 

I bolted up the stairs, not looking back once. I needed to get out of there, I didn't even know where I was. 

I was so deep in thought when I accidentally misplaced my step that made me go tumbling down the stairs, spraining my ankle in the process. 


In a few seconds three men came ran up to me, two of them grabbing my arms and lifting me back on my foot.

"AHH! MY ANKLE! Watch it!" I screamed at the men. 

Marcello appeared behind them and I instantly dropped my gaze to the floor. He walked up to me raising his hand and I shut my eyes, flinching and waiting for the impact but it never came.

He lightly put his hands on my shoulders. "Carina (sweetie), are you okay? How did you even fall?" He asked sounding concerned. 

I opened my eyes to see a very distressed looking man staring back at me. He looked nothing like the Marcello I saw a few minutes ago back in the cell. This side of him was much softer and gentle. 

Maybe I was too quick to judge. 

I looked down at my broken left ankle and he followed my gaze, seeming to notice what had happened. He ordered the men to let go of me and leave, then carefully picked me up bridal style and started walking up the stairs. 

I froze and tried to process what he just did. The man who had threatened to get me raped and murdered in the most gruesome way, is now carrying me because I sprained my ankle. I stared deep into his eyes, trying to find answers while he had his gaze focused on the stairs.

 Maybe it was the bond we just made with the kiss. He's changing, and I can't wait for him to be our Alpha. He's already a leader, he's so powerful and strong. I could only imagine what his wolf would be like.

"You'll burn two holes in my head, princess." He said, smirking. 

I felt my cheeks heat up and immediately diverted my eyes to anywhere but him while he laughed. A rumbling vibration, as I rested my head on his chest. 


I stared in awe as Marcello walked through the door into what looked like a giant living room with white-themed furniture neatly kept. 

"Never seen a house before?" He laughed at my shocked expression.

"Dude, this is a freaking palace." I said still looking at my surroundings.

"Yes. E casa mia (it's my home). I'll show you around after the doctor takes a look at that ankle of yours." He said and started up the stairs.


"You just need a little bit of rest and some painkillers." Said the doctor bandaging my left ankle. I gave him a warm smile and carefully got off the medical bed. Marcello was waiting for me outside. I opened the door to find him typing away on his phone. I cleared my throat to let him know I was there but he completely ignored me. I rolled my eyes and limped my way through the hallway passing by him. 

Just then an alarming female voice came booming towards us. "Marco! Dove sei stato tutto il giorno? Ti sto cercando da stamattina! Non ti sei unito a noi per colazione o pranzo e spero che tu non abbia intenzione di saltareanche la cena!"(Marco! Where have you been the whole day? I've been looking for you since morning! You haven't joined us for breakfast or lunch and I hope your not planning to skip dinner also!)

 Despite her age, she was a gorgeous looking woman with big brown curls and those same ocean blue eyes...I knew exactly who she was. 

"Mama, I'm so sorry I just got caught up in work. I promise this won't happen again, you will not be disappointed!" He pleaded.

She looked at me and back at him for a minute before flashing the biggest smile I have ever seen on anyone's face. She squealed and ran over to him giving him tiny smooches all over his face. 

"Oh figlio mio (oh my son)! You have finally found a woman! I'm so proud of you son, lei e bella! (She is beautiful!)" She squealed.

"M-mama, it's not what it looks like, she is-um- she is...the new maid. I took her to the medical room because she sprained her ankle." He looked away.

The fuck?

The woman looked quite disappointed but replaced it with a firm look, crossing her arms, "I know it's love when I see it, figlio (son)." She said with a smile. She turned to me, "Hello tesoro (honey), what is your name?" She asked.

"Hi, I'm Celestia Don Vega. You can call me Celest." I said with a genuine smile.

"Oh, your American! I'm Lucy, Marcello's mother. I have to say you are one beautiful flower, darling." She said.

I laughed and thanked her. Marcello bit his lower lip nervously and started walking away. Lucy came closer and whispered in my ear, "Don't worry, I know you're not the maid. My son adores you, I see it in his eyes." She gave me a warm smile and led me to one of the guest rooms.

My heart fluttered at her words. 

He adores me.

HEY Buttercupsss! Was it too short this time? I ran out of ideas for some reason... I'm so sorry! Gonna make it up to ya next chapter! I'm also sorry if there were errors or any kind of mistakes. I wrote this chapter in such a hurry idk why. Also my exams are next week and im dead rn. So ya...Until next time!!!!!BYEEEE

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