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locker room drama | 10

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locker room drama | 10

━☄. *. ⋆━

It was lunchtime at Riverdale High, as foreign as it may sound it was peaceful. No real drama happening on the school grounds. Lilith and Archie sat together at a picnic table, using this time to finish up some music material, deciding they'd grab some pops after school and avoid the murdered teenage boy-sized elephant in the room.

"Oh, I really like that hem," Lilith nods, reading over Archie's songbook. Humming the newest lyrics he wrote.

Archie lets out an airy laugh with a shake of his head, "I honestly don't know how you do that."

"Do what?" Lilith mumbles, completely engrossed in the songbook.

Archie, noticing her attention elsewhere, turns her head towards his gently, smiling at her full attention, "You always manage to sing my lyrics the way I imagined them to be sung without me explaining it to you. It's like you know exactly what I'm thinking and somehow make it a reality. How do you do that?"

A face-splitting grin grows on Lilith's face at the boy's words, "I... I don't know how to answer that, Ginger."

These were the times she cherished the most with Archie. The times when all her worries, her fears, her responsibilities, and her secrets... melted away. The times when nothing else mattered.

"Wow. Don't tell me I've made the Lilith Tate speechless. This is a huge deal... I mean, I usually have to fold your legs behind your ears and eat your p–"

"Archie!" Lilith exclaims, covering Archie's mouth. The boy proceeds to laugh, licking at her palm, the girl removes her hand immediately, wiping her hand on his shirt.

"Guys!" Veronica exclaims, grabbing the couple's attention. "Any new material you two want to try out on a very forgiving audience?"

Lilith watched in confusion as Veronica, Kevin, and Betty sat across from her and Archie. Forgiving? And just what the hell did she have to apologize for?

Deciding to not comment on the girl's choice of words, Lilith turns to Archie, deciding that since it was his songs, he should be the one to give them an answer.

"Uhh" Archie hesitates.

"Please," Veronica begs, hinting towards Betty with a sip of her coffee.

"Would you? I'd love to hear it," Betty says with a small grin, pulling a sigh from Archie, who turns towards Lilith. The girl only shrugged in return.

"Fine, but only if Lilith agrees to sing the lyrics," Archie grins, turning towards his girlfriend, who immediately refuses.

"You sing?" Kevin leans forward.

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