Chapter 28

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( Minor changes added, if you did not read the upated chapters, It has been a few weeks since Zuko's corrination and their first night together, which since then, they have been sharing a room *wink wink nudge nudge* But thats all the updates i added, enjoy)

My blood felt frozen within me as a feeling of overwhelming shock came over me. I'm seeing a ghost. This man is not alive and here he is, under me.

Oh my spirits I just kicked him down. Slowly, the old man sat up as I sat still, a horrified expression plastered across my face. "I understand your shock, child. But please, we must hurry. Last thing I need is anyone to recognize me." Uncle Iroh says, standing to his feet then helping me to mine. "Do you mind steering?" He asks. I shake me head, and he places his rice hat onto my head and wraps his tattered black cloak around my shoulders. "I'll explain on the ride, we have somewhere to be." The old general said before getting into the back of the cart.

Wordlessly, I walked to the front of the cart and sat in the wooden seat, taking the rains and turned the cart back onto the road. I could hear the small window behind my head open. "Start talking." I said under my breath as my fists tightened under the cloak around the reigns.

Iroh cleared his throat before speaking in a low raspy tone, "After you and my nephew had left for the Northern tribe, situations with the colonies and the Noblemen grew dire. I couldn't keep a hold on it, and many of the advisers had begun plotting my assassination." My breath hitched as I listened to his dark melodic voice as he spoke.

"After several attempts at my life, a small team of my most trusted advisers and guards helped me fake my death, knowing Zuko would be contacted immediately to return and take the throne."

My head was spinning as I listened, and I spoke up soon enough. "These men were attempting at your life, why would you throw Zuko, your only living loyal Heir, into such a hostile environment!" I say sharply under my breath, tilting my rice hat down when another cart past us on the small road.

I could hear the old man behind the wood thinking over his actions, "I know it may sound wrong, Lady Katara, but you must trust me when I say, I only ever had my Nephews best interest in mind. He's a strong willed and a very smart and compassionate man. I'm getting to old for the court life. And I can just sense it, our Fire Lord Zuko is going to do great justice for the world."

After a few hours of listening to Iroh's directions, I pulled into a small farm house as night begins to settle in. I walked to the back of the cart and helped Iroh out, "Come child, we have much to discuss." He said as he held his arm out to lead me into the strange house.

"This is just one of the secret head quarters of The White Lotus." Iroh stated as he led me to a dark back room, he shut the door behind me and with his firebending, lit the small room up in candle light. Four other figures appeared in the room, all older men, one obviously from the Earth Kingdom. "I've heard of you..." I whisper as I'm lead to the table the other men were sat at, "you are a secret society of benders working to help bring peace to the world... At least, that's what my Gran Gran told me." I whisper the last part as I sink into the padded chair.

One of the elder gentle men with a scar running down the side of his face spoke up, "We've brought you here for your safety, and the future safety of that child your carrying." My head then snapped up at his words. "How did you know." I demanded, staring at the intimidating face of the man. "Now now Jong Jong, no need to frighten the girl," Iroh spoke up, placing a calming hand on my shoulder, "We've known since the child was conceived that this would be the prophesied child." Iroh said looking down at me tenderly.

"How could you possibly know! I barely knew! And You weren't even in the palace when the child was conceived!" I shouted out of fear, my cheeks lighting up an embarrassed pink at the awkward conversation topic. "No your right," The old General said, taking up a seat next to me while stroking his long white beard, "But you really think i would leave my nephew without some informants around the palace? I may be old, but my mind isn't that far gone quite yet." He chuckled, patting a large hand to his swollen abdomen. "You've been watching over us?" I asked, thinking back to all the times certain maids had taken my care a little more seriously than before, back to when Zuko's escorts and guards were doubled right before an assassin was caught in the gardens attempting to poison Zuko during his afternoon walk, back to when i managed to find just the herbs and vitamins for the baby not long after id found out. No it never really was pure coincidence, but a kind old General watching over us from beyond his "grave".

"Of course, Katara, dear! I -"

"Enough of your babbling, Grand Master, we need to tell her and soon! Time is running out!" Jong Jong interrupted, causing Iroh's soft, jolly expression to grow grim and dark. "Yes you're right," He mumbled, before lifting his hand to some of the older men to catch their attention, "Bring the scrolls, and some tea, it's going to be a long night."


I moved quickly to the side, the blade skimming across the marred skin of my left cheek. I slowly brought my hand to my cheek, and felt it immediately soaked in my blood. "You're supposed to love me, not that whore!" Mai shouted again in her fit of rage, reaching for another dagger. "I'm the rightful Fire Lady! Me! And if I cant have you... NO ONE CAN." She reached to her garter and threw another knife, but this time her moves were slow, and I was able to avoid being pierced as it flew past me and into the tapestry hanging on the wall.

As she tried to re arm herself, i walked forward and wrapped my arms around her small frame and she collapsed into my body. She regained her calm, unreadable demeanor quickly as she looked up into my eyes. "I knew you'd pick me." She purred leaning up to kiss me, but before her lips could reach mine, I had moved my hand from her back to grab the back of her head and grabbed the last knife from her garter and had it pressed to the soft pale skin of her neck. she stopped with a wince, not daring to move in anyway in my deathly grip.

"I'm done playing games Mai." I whispered in her ear, pressing the sharp blade harder into her skin, "Now where is my bride."

"You wouldn't do this -" Mai started before i had the blade pressed harder, causing a thin line of blood beginning to pool around the blade.

"Stop questioning me." I growled as i waited once more for my answer.

"She was taken to the next city over to be sold as an exotic in the earth kingdom!" She yelled out, the fear of death staring back at me through her black, lifeless eyes. "They probably haven't even made it to the city yet!" She tried reassuring, as I continued my hold on her.

"Run." I whispered in her ear, "Zuko, you cant do this to me," she started, but by then i had her by a fist full of hair, dragging her out to the balcony that lead to my gardens, "Leave, now!" I yelled, my hands glowing bright as they were enveloped in flames as i threw her out, "Don't ever let me catch you on Fire Nation soil again."

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