Chapter 20

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Zuko's POV

Dear Uncle,

We have safely made it to the Southern Watertribe, with minor casualties, but I'm sure you have already been informed of the Earth Kingdom attack, so I won't waste my time explaining the complexities.

I am sending you this letter in a request for more ships, and to send in a team to the Northern Watertribe. We will be in need of more water benders. In fact, the reason I request this is because our only water bender on ship, Katara, was the only reason we were able to get away.

Send a troop to the Norther Tribe, go calmly, do not send in an army ship, they will suspect an attack and that's the last thing we need. Don't force them, I need this to be completely voluntarily for them to be willing to help their sister tribe.

Stay safe at home Uncle. I hope to hear from you soon.

Your loyal nephew,

I rolled up the parchment and placed my royal red stamp across the crease. I tied it with the blue ribbon Sokka had given me, and secured it into the messenger hawks hold. "Have this letter sent to Fire Lord Iroh. Royalty stamp, for his eyes only." Kale nods and takes the hawk onto his arm and walks off into the snow, leaving me in Katara and Sokka's igloo.

"Zuko?" Katara's soft voice calls from behind me, I turn and see her standing in the doorway in her breast wrappings and her black traveling pants. She's half asleep, her skin flushed a light pink and her long dark brown hair falls to her curvaceous hips.

She rubs her eyes sleepily and walks over to me, collapsing into my arms, "What are you still doing up?" She sleepily grumbles, looking up at me. I smile down at her adorable sleepy state. "I was just writing a letter to Uncle." I say slowly, holding her warm skin against me. She yawns, "well it's late, let's go to bed." She says starting to drag me to her room.

I stammer back, "I'm not sure Sokka will like that." I say making her stop. "And I don't want to do anything to upset my future Brother in-law." She looks at me annoyed before speaking, "I'm a grown woman. I'm getting married after all. He can suck it up for one night." She says walking over and placing a kiss on my cheek. I smile cheekily at her small gesture. "Okay let's go to sleep." I whisper letting her lead me out of the dim room.

The dawn stretched across the white snow, making the ground and all of my surroundings look almost magical. I slowly climb away from the window and walk into the main room, where I find Sokka, Katara and an older woman sitting on the floor pelts around a small fire, sipping on what smells to be jasmine tea.

"Good Morning, have a seat," Katara says jumping up and making me a cup, "I'd like you to meet my Gran Gran, Kanna." Katara smiles a bright smile that warms my heart as she hands me the tea and introduces me to the older woman.

She smiles a grand, pure smile as she looks at me. "Prince Zuko, it's good to meet you, on good terms, too, my soon to be Grandson In law." She nudges me slightly, and I watch as Katara lovingly touches the red velvet betrothal necklace. "Yes, I'm glad it is this way too." I say to the older woman, as I sport a dark red blush as Katara grabs my hand.

"I'm sorry to break up this love fest," Sokka intrudes before taking on his stature of power and importance, "but me and Prince Zuko have some pressing matters to attend to." I nod curtly to the two women and follow Sokka out of their Hut.

We walk out to where young men, along with older men are gathered outside the wall, inside a large tent. I walk in behind Sokka and sit next to him in front of the small table with a map spread across it.

"Let's get to business. Bao, tell me your findings." Sokka says, acknowledging one of the older men from across the table. "This morning I had set up two watches, here and here, like you had asked," he says to Sokka, pointing two too places on the map not far out from the village in the ocean. "And did you find what we were looking for?" Sokka asks, his tone mixed with a sound of fear and excitement. The man only nodded with a curt nod. "

Well then, we know what needs to happen then. Get the women and children secured and I want you men ready and in your positions in 1 hour." Sokka says standing.

The men jump into action running out of the tent. "Sokka, do you mind filling me in?" I nearly shout over the rush of men bustling around us. "After you had told me about the Earth Kingdom attack the other day, I had Bao take his small squadron and head out to our set watch points," he says leading me back into the village, towards his home, "and my suspicions have been concluded." He says stopping and helping guid a woman and her small daughter away from the men gathering weapons and to her hut. "And?" I say following quickly behind him.

Sokka stops and stands in front of me drawing in a large breath, "They're coming."

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