Chapter 24

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"Katara, you've been standing out here for hours. Aren't you cold?" Zuko says from behind me as he walks up to my stationary position at the bow of the ship. "Earth to Katara!" He says coming in behind me and wrapping me in his arms, resting his chin down in my shoulder, "Agni! Tara, you're freezing," he whispers as his touch snaps away from my freezing skin like I'll freeze him too.

"I guess I didn't notice." I say slowly as I break my focus, "I'm scared, Zuko." I say laying my back onto his chest. "I am too." He says softly in my ear, placing a cold kiss to my bare shoulder. "Let's go get you warmed up, I'll make you some of my uncles famous Jasmine Tea." He laughs lightly before leading me back into the metal ship.

Back inside our chambers, I sit on the hard red satin couch, absentmindedly running my fingers in patterns on the dark red felt pillows. "Here," he says, walking to me from the hallway holding a small teacup, "I've never really gotten it right, but Uncle has certainly taught me how to make a decent cup." Zuko hands my the steaming teacup, instantly my cold hands seep in the heat.

"Thank you." I whisper, my mind occupied with thoughts of the treachery and danger waiting for us back at the palace. Zuko sits next to me and we both look out the glass porthole, he absentmindedly places his hand on the bare skin above my knee and runs his fingers in circles on my tan skin. "I'm worried that we won't be safe, Zuko." I say after tantalising minutes of silence between us. His finger stops and his hand lays down onto my skin. "I'm afraid to. But we can't be scared. Right now, the Fire Nation needs us more than anytime before. We need to protect my-" he stops before looking to me, and placing a hand on my necklace, "Our people."

A sad smile crosses my face as I look into Zuko's eyes. As soon as I reach my 16th birthday we're going to be married. I thank the spirits that the Fire royalties had at least the decency to keep some of my cultures rules. It's not that I don't care for Zuko, I just don't think I love him the way a wife should love her husband.


When we arrived at the Fire Nation capitol after our long journey, I'm glad when Zuko turns down the palanquin for a walk to the palace our selfs. I admit that I missed the warm tropical Fire Capitol of Sozin.

"Let's enjoy ourselfs, this will probably be one of the last personal and alone moment we will have for a while." Zuko says extending out his hand and entertaining his fingers in mine.

"When did you find out you could heal?" He asks as we make our trek up the hill hand in hand. "When I tried to clean your wound. I bended the water onto your skin and it just started glowing and the wound shut," I said. It wasn't some sort of amazing epiphany moment, I was just trying to clean him up and it sprang up on all of us. "Zuko, do you love me?" I ask as we walk up the hill, he hesitates for a moment before continuing up the stairs, being almost at the city gates. "I think I do." He says squeezing my hand tighter as we reach the top of the stairs. "Katara, you saved my life, and never left my side while I was weak. You are a strong woman, and I care for you. What man wouldn't when he has the opportunity to be with a wonderful woman like you." He says.

The gates open and out come two separate palanquins, "I guess this is where we have to part ways. I'll see you after the coronation, my Love." He says. He leans forward and places a small passionate kiss to my lips. "I'll see you tonight." I whisper as he steps behind the dark red curtain.

"I can't breath." I say breathlessly to the seamstress that continues to tighten my corset for the coronation. "That means it's working." She says diligently, tightening it once more before tying the corset off at the bottom in a neat bow. "As soon to be Fire Princess you need to look the part at your fiancés coronation." The older woman says as she slips on the dark red and golden trimmed robes, tying them tight around my already tightened waist. I turn into the mirror and my body looks almost not like me.

I'm fit, sure but now I just look like I haven't eaten in months. I almost look like Mai.. Her memory tastes bitter in my mouth and almost makes me visibly cringe. "There, you're done, now you may pull your hair down from the wrap." The woman says as she pulls the last string tight on my robe and adjusts the sleeve.

I reach up to the warm shiny foil that my hair had been wrapped in and began untwisting the coils. In a matter of minutes, with the much needed help from the seamstress, all the little foils lay on the floor next to my feet, and in its place stood curls unlike I've seen before. "How did you do that?" I asked touching the curls lightly as I looked into the mirror. She just walked from behind me, sat me down and began pinning back choice pieces to let the curls fall behind my shoulders and a few strays frame my face.

"An old trick here in the royal palace. We've been using it for a few decades now." She says as she slips the last gold pin into place. "There, you truly look like a real Fire Princess."



Sorry for the filler chapter guys! But you've All been begging for this much deserved chapter so here it is! Sorry it took so long but I've been in the process of moving to a different state and attempting to settle in so I've been working you guys into my schedule as best as I can!!!!!

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