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Logan walked into her apartment, setting the paper bags down on the kitchen island. She twisted her neck, trying to stretch it out from her long day of work. As she started taking the groceries out Amy walked into the kitchen looking at her older sister.

"Hey, how was school?" Logan asked looking at Amy, who seemed like she had a hard day at school.

"It was fine, I passed my English test." She said and Logan smirked proudly at her little sister and nodded.

"That's amazing, I knew you'd pass." She said and Amy nodded and helped Logan take the groceries out of the bags.

"How was work?" She asked and Logan gave her a tight lipped smile and spoke.

"Work, helped the CFD with this truck thing today." She said leaving many details out for her sisters sake knowing how curious she'd get over the smallest things. Amy looked back at Logan with wide eyes and brought the green peppers to the fridge.

"Was Kells there?" She asked her older sister and Logan licked her lips and grabbed some pasta out of the paper bag.

"Yeah he was." She said bringing it to the cup board and Amy gave her a smile.

"How is he? It's been so long." She said and Logan shrugged and sighed.

"He seems to be doing fine." She said and Amy nodded and looked down.

"I miss him, Logan. I miss when him and Shay used to come over and we'd hang." She said and Logan gave her a small smile and nodded.

"Me too." She said agreeing with her and then she cleared her throat and looked at Amy.

"Want to go out and eat?" She asked and Amy grinned and nodded at her older sister.

Logan and Amy walked out of Papa's Pizzeria satisfied with their dinner and they began walking down the chilly streets of Chicago. Amy looked around at some of the lights that were hanging from the trees and she smiled to herself. Amy heard talking in front of her and saw Kelly and Shay walking towards them and Amy's eyebrows raised.

"Kelly! Shay!" She yelled and ran down the street to Kelly. She jumped in his arms giving him a hug and he lifted her up the ground.

"Amy! Wow, you've gotten big." He said hugging her and set her down and Logan watched as she gave Shay a hug. Shay gave her a bright smile and Logan bit her lip and walked up to the two.

"Wow, I can't believe it." Shay said looking at Amy and then up to Logan.

"What are you guys doing out here?" She asked and Amy looked at Shay and grinned.

"We just came back from Papa's as a celebratory dinner for a test I passed today." She said and Shay grinned and looked at Logan, putting her hand on Amy's back.

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