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Logan groaned, tangled in the sheets from the night before. She turned on her side, seeing Mouse who was snoring lightly. She sat up in the bed, using the blanket to cover herself and she tried to get up, but Mouse's voice made her jump.

"Leaving?" He asked and Logan rolled her eyes and spoke.

"Going to the shower, actually." She said and he let out a laugh and she wrapped the blanket around her body, shifting off the bed. She waddled to the bathroom and went into the shower to get ready for her day off.

As Logan was finishing up, she decided she was going to stop by Mark's to see what he was doing. She threw on one of Mouse's shirts and some jeans and she left shortly before Mouse, who had to get ready for his day at work.

Logan pulled into Mark's driveway and she smiled to herself softly as she looked at the place. She always knew that Mark wanted to live in a house, and being so young, he bought the one he was saving up for and now with the extra room he could finally put it to use with his daughter.

Logan walked up to the door and opened it, knowing that Mark wouldn't care and she heard a familiar laugh coming from the kitchen. She walked in seeing, Otis, Mark, and Dylan at the kitchen island and Mark's face lit up.

"Logan!" HE exclaimed and then walked over to her, throwing his arms around his body. Dylan gasped and Logan looked at her with a confused look.

"You got laid!" She exclaimed and Logan's face reddened and Mark raised his eyebrows.

"You totally did. Who is he?" He asked and Otis let out a confused laugh and Logan bit her lip and scratched the back of her head.

"Well..." She said trailing off and Mark shook his head looking at Otis and Dylan.

"It was Mouse. No doubt about it." He said and Logan gaped at him and spoke.

"How do you always know these things?" She asked and he looked at her and smiled.

" I was your partner for 3 years, Rayner. I haven't gotten sloppy." He said and Logan let out a laugh and spoke.

"Hopefully soon we can be partners again. I love Adam, but it isn't the same."She said and Mark smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"You love me, just say it." He said and Logan rolled her eyes and playfully shrugged his hand off. 

"I gotta go meet up with Adam, I'll see you guys later." She said and Mark nodded and watched her leave the house.

Logan and Adam walked together as they approached an older man who smiled at Antonio as he passed. Mark had taken that shift off as he was helping his ex-girlfriend who was 5 months pregnant get set up in his house.

"Hey, what's up Pops?" Adam asked approaching his father and Logan's eyebrows furrowed inwards as she looked between the two.

"Hey, they brought in the big guns." He said, giving his son a proud handshake. Adam looked at Logan and then his father and spoke.

"Uh, this is Logan Rayner, my partner, Logan this is my father." He said and Logan gave him a curt nod and stuck her hand out.

"Nice to meet you, sir." She said and he took her hand and smiled.

"Melanie's girl aren't ya? Please, call me Bob. Your mother and I were good friends back in the day." He said and Logan gave him a tight lipped smile and looked at Adam.

"I'm gonna head inside." She said and he nodded, letting her walk past. Bob watched as she left and shook her head.

"Poor girl, what happened to their mother was tragic." He said and Adam furrowed his eyebrows inwards and he spoke.

"What happened?" He asked and Bob sighed and looked into his son's eyes.

"Melanie was on this serial killer case with the feds from D.C. Her sister, Adelaine Van der Blit was an agent and asked for her help on a case here in Chicago. The rest of the details are too hazy but a sting went wrong, Melaine went missing after that. Her body was never found, they declared she was dead given the days." He said and Adam shook his head and sighed.

"Dammit." He said and continued to speak to his father about Logan's mother.

"No forced entry. So whoever this was, was a friend of the families or forced once of them to put in the code." Logan stated looking at the security panel. Voight turned and nodded and spoke to Logan.

"Take the card out from the back, run it with Mouse." Logan nodded and grabbed the card from the back, and placed it in a bag.

She walked into the district's tech room, seeing Mouse sitting at the desk, his feet propped up and she placed the card on the desk.

"This was at the back of the security panel, Voight wants you to go through it." She said and Mouse nodded and stood up, leaning over the desk to kiss Logan's lips. She smiled and pulled back looking at him.

"You're gonna get us caught." She said and he grinned and shrugged.

"Mhm, I'll get this to you in a bit." He said and she nodded and watched as he got to work.

Voight had Antonio and Jay take the lead so there wasn't much for Logan to do, so after work she just headed home, waiting to fill out her paperwork for tomorrow. She sat in her apartment, watching some stupid cop show as she smiled to herself eating her Santa Fe salad.

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