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Logan blinked a couple of times as she stared at the Firehouse apparatus doors as a memory flashed before her eyes of her an Shay laughing at the door about some stupid joke Shay had made. The feeling of this place had definitely changed and it seemed more empty. She couldn't believe that in the time she had been gone Shay had been killed in the line of duty. She couldn't believe it, and now standing at the doors, it all seemed to hit her like a punch to the gut. She let in a shaky breath and walked to the firehouse doors to say hello to the people she hadn't seen in almost 2 months.

She remembered most things before she had left, like breaking up with Jeff, Shay, Matt and Kelly coming to her apartment, her confessing her love to Kelly and the real reason she had left Chicago and her stomach churned, not knowing what he was going to say about that or the fact that she hadn't been there.

Logan walked onto the apparatus floor and Herrmann turned to her and let out a bright smile.

"Hey! There you are!"He said and wrapped his arms around the young woman. She followed his actions and gave him a tight hug and he gave her an extra squeeze and pulled back.

"How was California?" He asked and she shrugged and spoke.

"Hot. I got to meet up with some family so that was alright." She said and Matt rounded the corner and smiled at her.

"Logan, it's so nice to see you!" He exclaimed and Logan gave him a curt nod and he wrapped his arms around the girl. She gave him a hug and smiled into it.

"You look great, California did you justice."He said and Logan shrugged and Kelly came in with Peter Mills by his side and he made eye contact with Logan, his heart stopping as if Shay was standing in front of him. He took in the young girl's appearance, from her dark brown almost black hair to her tan skin. Her bright blue eyes made quick eye contact with Kelly's and she turned as Capp walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

Kelly watched as they hugged and he turned to walk away, not wanting to see the sight. Ever since Logan had taken her trip to California, he talked to Hank Voight about him being her biological father. He ended up finding out that even though Logan had put in a transfer out of his department, Sergeant Trudy Platt couldn't sign off on it since she wasn't Logan's sergeant, so Hank decided to give Logan a 4 month furlough. Ever since Shay's death, Kelly was angry at himself for not being the one to tell Logan, especially since she was so close to Shay but him in ways he couldn't even explain.

Logan turned back to Herrman, and everyone else and smiled at him.

"Look, I'd love to stay, but I have to go pick up some dry cleaning. There's this FBI seminar event that I've been invited to." She said and Herrmann raised his eyebrows and spoke.

"FBI huh?" He asked and Logan rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"My cousin is an FBI agent she invited me." She said and he gave her a smile and placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it gently. She turned to leave and went to continue on with her day.

She stood at the end of the seminar and walked up to her cousin, Hadley Reid and she smiled at the woman. Hadley wrapped her arms around Logan and spoke

"Logan! I'm so glad you could make it!" She said and Logan gave her a smile and wrapped her arms around the woman.

"Well of course I had to, you were amazing." She said and Hadley smiled and turned to her husband, Spencer Reid and spoke.

"Honey, you remember Logan right?" She asked and Spencer nodded and smiled at Logan.

"Hello Logan." He said and Logan gave him a smile and looked at him.

"Hey." She said and Hadley looked at Logan.

"So, did you enjoy it? I hope I didn't bore you to death." She said and Logan let out a small laugh and spoke.

"I loved it, Hads. Hey, how's Billy?" She asked and Hadley nodded and smiled.

"Good! Him and JJ are great and things have been great. I mean it's rare we ever get to come out here. I love Chicago." She said and Logan let out a chuckle and spoke.

"Hey, let me know when you guys are going to leave, we can go hang out at a bar." She said and Hadley nodded and looked at Logan.

"Of course, I'll speak to you later?" She said and Logan nodded and turned on her heel to leave the seminar taking in all of the information she had gotten. She was finally happy to get back to her job and with new information she could bring to the table, she felt ready for anything.

Logan walked into the firehouse texting Herrmann's wife, Cindy, saying she was going to stop by later to get Amy and she rounded the corner and bumped into a hard chest. Her phone falling out of her hands as she bumped into whoever it was.

She looked up and was met with Kelly's eyes and her heart dropped. She cleared her throat and spoke softly.

"Sorry." She said and walked around Kelly with her head down. She walked away and Kelly looked back at her and watched as she walked away.

Logan looked up and saw Erin walking towards her and she clenched her jaw and breathed in, intending to walk past her. As almost got there Erin spoke looking at her.

"Hey."She said and Logan shook her head and continued to walk.

"Logan." She said and Logan walked into the kitchen not looking back at Erin.

Logan breathed in shakily as she walked up the stairs to Intelligence. She knew that Hank would be there and she needed to speak to him and speak her mind, life she always told herself that she would do if she ever met her real father.

She walked into the bullpen and Jay, Adam, Mark, Atwater, and Antonio's eyes looked up at her as she walked inside.

"Logan." Antonio said and Logan gave him a curt nod and walked to Hank's office, not bothering to knock. He looked up at her and she closed the door and looked at him.

"I'm only going to say this once. I don't know why, or what happened that made you not want to be my father, but I'm tired of blaming myself for not being good enough for you." Logan said and Hank breathed in and leaned back in his chair looking up at the girl.

"It's your loss, that you never got to raise me and I'm okay with that. But I'm not okay with not being the one thing in the world that I've always loved, I used to wake up in the morning excited for what I do. Now? Now I wake up and think to myself, 'Damn, I missed so much.'" She said and looked down at her feet in front of her.

"I'm fine with you not raising me. But I'm not okay with you not raising the sweetest girl I've ever known. Amy isn't like me. She actually wants to get to know you, she wants a relationship with you and in order for her to get that, you have to be with me to win the custody battle." She said and Hank nodded and Logan nodded as well and breathed out shakily.

" I want my spot back in the unit." She said and Hank cleared his throat and opened his drawer and handed her, her gun and badge. She grabbed it and Hank spoke looking at her.

"Mark and Atwater had been assigned as partners, I'm sticking you with Ruzek." He said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"Alright, Sarge." She said and turned to leave, not glancing back at him. Hank looked down at his open drawer and there sat a picture of Logan and Dylan when they were babies, that he always kept in his drawer. He breathed in shakily, thinking about all of the times he'd miss of their lives and looked back up at the girl who had been walking out of the district .

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