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Logan walked in with Mark by her side as they both held a cup of coffee and were munching on a doughnut from their local doughnut shop. Logan saw Alvin by the door and he looked at her and smiled.

"Morning Logan." He said and Logan gave him a smile and a curt nod.

"Morning." She said and saw Adam Ruzek, another member of her unit talking to Platt.

"We gotta move." Antonio said walking down the stairs in front of Voight and Logan raised her eyebrow as Mark spoke.

"What's going on, Antonio?" Mark asked and Antonio passed Logan and Mark and spoke.

"Massacre." He said and Logan groaned and turned to follow, Antonio, Voight, Alvin, Adam and Ruzek out of the 21st.

As they arrived on scene Voight walked and began giving out demands.

"Alright, Rayner, Fuller, scope the perimeter, see if you find anything." He said and Logan nodded and her and Mark turned on their heels and began their search, as they put on their gloves. Logan and Mark started to look around and Mark spoke as he bent down.

"So this sucks." He said and Logan let out a chuckle and shrugged as she bent down near a vault.

"I mean, yeah it does, but why us? Why not that Sumner character." He said and Logan turned to him and spoke.

"Because she's been here longer than us." She said and Mark rolled his eyes and turned to Logan.

"Heard anything from Max?" He asked and Logan shook her head quickly and sighed.

"No, but that doesn't mean he isn't planning something, so I have to find our biological father and fast." She said and Mark nodded and bent down to look at the floor.

"And Jeff? Adam told me a man got you the other night and you both ate together." He said and Logan gave out a laugh and nodded.

"I mean, we aren't really an item, but I'm starting to have feelings for him." She said and Mark nodded and raised an eyebrow.

"So you're moving on from Kelly, I'm assuming." He said and turned her head as soon as Kelly's name came out and she shook her head.

"I don't know what you're talking about" She said and Antonio's voice calling them made her look back and she sighed.

"Hey, at least we're still partners." He said and nudged her shoulder playfully and she nodded and walked back to where the others were.

Logan walked into the district behind Adam and she kept her head down as she walked thinking about how she was going to find out who were biological father was and she walked right into Adam's back, her head hitting his back. She looked up and saw that he was watching Platt and she elbowed him, causing him to look down at her.

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