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Logan and Mark walked into Kelly and Shay's apartment building as Logan was holding onto Kelly's wallet that he had left the previous night when they were all together. Logan's hair fell down her back as her jacket gave her warmth from Chicago's deadly ice air. Her gun and badge sat on her hip as she and Mark decided to take second shift.

"Do you think I'm crazy?"Mark asked as Logan was about to knock on Kelly's door. Logan looked at Mark with raised eyebrows and he sighed.

"For wanting the baby? Do you think it's a crazy idea?" He asked and Logan breathed in and spoke.

"It's not crazy, Mark." She said and went to knock on the door to the apartment. Moments later,  Shay opened the door and smiled.

"Logan! Hey!" She said and wrapped her arms around the girl. Logan gave the woman a small and wrapped her arms around her torso.

Hey, I just needed to drop something off to Kelly." She said and Shay nodded and opened the door so the two of them could get in. Mark was the first to step through and Logan followed after hearing people talk in the kitchen. She pulled up his wallet and a man called her out, nearly scaring her.

"Wow, Logan Rayner, is it good to see you." Benny Severide said causing Logan to look up with wide eyes.

"Benny!" She said and rushed to him, throwing her arms around the man's shoulders. He gave her a tight squeeze and then pulled back.

"Look at you, all grown up." He said and Logan gave him a smile and looked at Mark.

"Mark, this is Benny Severide, Kelly's dad. Benny, this is my partner, Mark Fuller." She said and Benny held out his hand and Mark extended his giving the man a firm shake.

"Nice to meet you, sir." He said and Benny gave him a nod. Logan looked at Kelly who was leaning against the door frame with his white long sleeve shirt and plaid pajamas on and she cleared her throat, extending her hand with the wallet.

"Hey, you uh left this at my place yesterday." She said and he grabbed it from her a smiled.

"Thanks, Logs." He said and she gave a nod and looked back at Benny.

"Hey, it was so nice to see you, but we gotta run, second shift is kicking our asses." She said and Benny nodded and looked down at her.

"Are you going to the banquet tonight?" He asked and Logan gave him a tight lipped smile and nodded.

"Yeah, actually, Amy wanted to go." She said and he smiled and spoke looking back at Kelly.

"Well hey, I'm not sure if you remember but John's son, Kyle is the same age as you, maybe you guys should talk to each other." He said and Logan smiled and looked at Mark.

"Actually, Mark and I were going to go together, but thank you." She said and Mark nodded and gave him a smile. Logan and Mark's phone went off and they looked down seeing a text from Sergeant Webber, their boss.

Logan waved the phone in the air and left the place, saying her goodbyes to everyone. Mark looked at her with raised eyebrows and spoke.

"So, I have to go with you now, don't I?" He asked and Logan gave him a wide smiled and he groaned as they walked to their cars.

Logan walked into the dinning hall with her arms intertwined with Mark's as her sister stood next to her. Logan wore a dark maroon satin dress that hugged her in all the right places and defined some of the muscles in her arms. Her hair was pinned into a low bun with small curls framing her face and a dark red lip. Her bright blue eyes looked around the scene as she tried to take in the entire place. 

Amy wore a navy blue dress and her hair was in a braid that went all the way down to her back. She looked around the place in awe and smiled to herself as the three of them stood next to the railing looking down at the scene.

"Logan." A voice said from behind them and Logan let go of Mark's arm and asked if he could get their seats as she turned and saw her older sister, Evelyn with her fiancee.

"Evelyn." She stated and the air shifted throughout the entire building. Amy looked up at her much older sister and Evelyn looked down at her, seeing how much she had grown.

"Amelia." She said and Amy gave her a small smile and Evelyn looked at Logan.

"It's great to see the two of you, I'm glad you both could make it." Evelyn said and Logan clenched her jaw as she spoke, moments later, Eliana and Dylan made their way up the stairs, immediately making eye contact with Logan and Amy.

Logan breathed in deep and closed her eyes briefly knowing that the night was going to be ruined if she didn't keep her anger under control.

"Logan, we didn't know you'd be coming." Eliana said and Logan looked at her and gave her the fakest smile she could muster up and spoke.

"Yeah, well Amy wanted to come so here we are." She said and looked over the rails to see everyone sitting down.

"We have to go." Logan said and grabbed Amy's arm and they both walked down the stairs to their spots at their table.

"I would like to thank everyone for coming out tonight." Chief Boden started to say as everyone was quieting down.

"When I look around this room, I think of the importance that this institution had on each and every firefighter here. The discipline, the tradition, it's what ties us together, the young and the well seasoned alike." He said and Logan saw some movement out of the corner of her eye and there sat her step father in his suit looking around the room. 

Logan watched as he gave kisses to all of his daughters that sat with him and her blood started to boil. She turned her head to speak to Amy but saw she was looking at Max and her sisters and she saw the tears began to pool in her younger sister's eyes. She clenched her fist into a tight ball and tried to keep focus on what Boden was saying, but she couldn't.

She sat in the middle of that Dinner with thoughts running through her head, including how her own twin sister betrayed her simple because she wanted to be in a perfect family. The clapping of firefighters pulled Logan out of her thoughts and she saw everyone stand so she stood and clapped as well, not knowing what was really going on.

She felt a hand at the small of her back and she turned and saw Kelly standing before her in a black tux. 

"Hey, you alright?" He asked and Logan gave him a nod and spoke.

"Yeah, yeah, you?" She asked and Kelly furrowed his eyebrows inwards for a moment before speaking.

"Yeah, just wanted to make sure you were alright." He said and Logan nodded and looked at Amy who was speaking with Mark.

"Yeah, look, I'm going to go, but give Boden my thanks." She said and he nodded hesitantly and leaned in to kiss her on the forehead, causing the hear to rise on her cheeks.

"Will do, see you." He said and Logan gave him a quick nod and then left to get Amy and Mark.

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