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Logan walked into the 21st District with a scowl on her face as she thought about what she was going to do about trying to find her biological father, and she was met by a desk sergeant who wore her hair back in a pony tail.

"Can I help you?" She asked and Logan showed her badge and spoke.

"Uh yeah, I'm Detective Logan Rayner for Special Crimes, badge number 63349." She said and the woman's eyebrow raised in skepticism.

"Rayner? Any relation to Melanie Rayner?" She asked and Logan nodded and spoke.

"Yeah, she was my mother." She said and the woman gave her a and nod and pointed to the right.

"Through the double doors and to the left." She said and Logan nodded and turned to walk to her destination but ran into a firm chest. She looked up and saw a very attractive man standing in front of her and he smiled.

"Sorry, didn't see you there." He said and she gave him a short nod and walked to her destination. She opened the doors to the bullpen and Mark was sitting at his desk and her old Sergeant, Sergeant Webber was standing drinking his coffee.

"Well, if it isn't the queen herself, welcome back Rayner." Webber said and Logan gave him a curt nod and spoke.

"Good to be back, sir." She said and he gave her a nod and she went to go on about her day.

Logan and Mark pulled up to the scene in front of them watching the little girl get taken into the ambulance. Logan shook her head when she saw the blood on the floor and when she saw Cruz and his brother, Leon, she knew she had to help.

She walked up to Cruz and his brother and took out her notepad and her pen and raised an eyebrow.

"Go." Cruz said and Leon turned to leave and a voice came from behind Logan.

"Recognized you from Firehouse 51." Hank Voight said and Logan turned around to see the man and a woman next to him. She scoffed and spoke to herself.

"Unbelievable." She muttered and turned to them.

"This is a Special Crimes case." She said and the woman looked at her and gave her a smirk.

"Not anymore." She said and Logan looked at Hank and flared her nostrils out in anger. She shook her head and looked at Hank.

"If this is payback because I didn't want to be in your little unit, go screw yourself." She spat and walked back to her car and Mark shook his head and followed clearly upset and somewhat embarrassed by what happened.

Logan walked into the firehouse with a cup of coffee in her hands as she went to look for Amy who she was going to pick up for the rest of the day. She was still pissed that Hank and that woman he was with actually took over their case and she couldn't stop fuming over it. She went to turn a corner and bumped into a firm chest, her coffee spilling all down her shirt. She looked up and saw Jeff Clarke standing in front of her who had a grimace on his face.

"Damn, I'm sorry I-" He said and Logan cut him off by shaking her head and she spoke.

"It's alright, I wasn't paying attention." She said and he bit his lip and turned to look at the kitchen and spoke.

"I got a spare shirt in my bag if you want-"He said but she shook her head and spoke.

"No, no I couldn't it's okay." She said and he looked down at her shirt that was already starting to show her bra.

"No, really, it's okay, it's the least I can do." He said  and she looked back to where her car was and then looked down to his left hand seeing the indent of a ring and spoke.

"I have a bag in my car filled with some extra pants, let me go grab it." She said and he shook his head and spoke.

"I got it, don't worry about it." He said and she nodded and turned to go to the showers to go change out of her coffee stained clothes.

After taking a quick shower, she saw her black duffel bag and Jeff Clarke's shirt on her bag and she went to go get dressed, throwing on sweats and his shirt before she made her way out to the kitchen.

Her long hair was damp, swinging back and forth as she began to walk to the kitchen. When she made the turn she bumped into yet another firm chest and saw Jeff standing in front of her again, only this time, his hands her on her waist before she could fall.

"We really gotta stop seeing each other like this."He joked and she gave out a laugh and looked down at her shirt, feeling his hands on her sides.

"Thank for the shirt, this must be really weird." She said and he furrowed his eyebrows inwards not sure what she was talking about and she pointed to his left hand.

"You're married."She said and he tilited his head and she gave out a laugh.

"You have the indent of your ring on your finger, so I just assumed..." She trailed off an he gave her a laugh and spoke.

"Yeah, we're actually separated." He said and she nodded and gave him a nod understanding what he was saying.

"Gotcha." She said and he looked down at his shirt on her and looked into her eyes.

"What are you doing this Friday night?"He asked and Logan squinted and then spoke.

"Nothing, you?" She asked and he grinned and spoke.

"Want to hang? I'll bring pizza and beer."He said and she gave him a smile and then nodded and spoke.

"Yeah, sure, let's do it." She said, agreeing with him and he nodded and smiled.

"Alright." He said and turned to leave. Logan looked down at the shirt she was wearing and smiled to herself and walked out into the kitchen where Herrmann was sitting at the table with Amy.

She walked over to her and Amy looked up at Logan.

"I want to be a firefighter." Amy said and Logan raised an eyebrow and Herrmann's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Why not an officer?" She asked and Amy grimaced and spoke.

"Mark said that every officer is like you and worse." She said and Logan's mouth fell open slightly and Jeff came in with Kelly.

Kelly walked over to Amy and Logan and smiled at the two of them and spoke.

"I didn't know you guys were here." He said and Logan shrugged and looked at Amy who was busy doing her math work.

"Where's Shay? I had to ask her something." Logan said and Kelly shrugged and looked around.

"Took the day off, shift two days ago was bad." He said and Logan nodded and Jeff sat down at the table with her and her sister and he began talking to Amy about her math work and Logan just watched the two of them.

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