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*Weeks Later*

Sky's POV

My eyes flutter open as I groan in pain. Where am I? I look around and the room was all white and then I looked at myself and saw I wasn't wearing my clothes.

I realized I was in the hospital but my mouth was dry. I looked next to me and saw Melanie sleeping. I smiled and then threw something at her.

"IM UP" she says opening her eyes as she sees me and hugs me.

"SKY! NURSE! SHES UP!" Melanie yells as she runs out the room as I just laugh at her.

* Minutes Later *

The nurse said they were gonna make a few test then let me out in a day or so. As long as I'm okay they'll let me out.

I wanted to get up but I knew I couldn't. I wonder what's been going on while I've been in the coma.

"Hey how are you?" I hear Melanie asks as she comes in.

"I'm okay. Hey can you tell me something?" I ask.


"What's happened since I got here the last thing I remember was crying and being in my bathroom"

"Sky you tried to do it again.. You broke our promise to try to stay here for each other. You almost died. After that Carter found you and called the ambulance then me and Nash (she sounded disgusted saying his name) we went to the hotel room and once I saw you I bawled my eyes out. Me and Nash got in a fight once we got to your room we argued about how we weren't good people and blaming each other that we were the reason you did what you did. Nash did something that I never thought he would and we broke up. He likes someone else now and it's only been a month since we broke up. The second we did he found another girl. I still loved him but now I realized I deserved better. So me and Nash aren't together anymore and Erick came."

"What did he do?"

"He hurt me"

"That ass hole"

"I learned to accept that no matter what my first love will always be Erick"

"What ?!?!"

"Erick. I remember meeting him when we were younger. Even though he wasn't and never will be mine he was my first love."

"Aww oh my god first I'm killing Nash"

"It's fine cause I try to stay as far away from him as possible so and it's not the first time this has happened"

"I'm sorry that happened"

"Don't worry about it but the next place we're going to is Ohio after you feel better."



We stayed in silence but it was a good silence before the nurse came in and asked if I could get our for a few minutes.

I walk back to the waiting room and sit away from all the guys and their sisters. Johnson sits next to me wraps his arms around me as I hug him tightly. Thinking back at everything I just wish I wouldn't of met some of these people. If only people could understand how much pain I'm already in.

*A Month Later*

Ever since Sky has gotten out of the hospital well Gilinsky has gotten more distant from Johnson. The fans even noticed how Johnson has been acting different and how he's more quiet. Gilinsky and most of the guys have spent all their time with Madison.

The fans have noticed how in every meet and greet the jacks have done that they haven't been the guys they used to be. Most of the fans only go for Gilinsky and forget Johnson. Johnson cries at night and I know it because the way they treat him is awful he deserves to feel loved by his fans.

Every night I sleep with Johnson to let him know I love him and that it will be okay. I do love Johnson like an older brother and he deserves to know that someone loves him. I tell him everyday I love him and that he's my sunshine but he wants to show the fans he's just as important as Gilinsky.

"Jack? Are you okay?" I ask walking into his room as I see him on his phone as a single tear falls.

I run over to jack and hug him. I look at his phone and see pictures of Gilinsky and Johnson's meet and greets. Gilinsky with the fans and Johnson alone on the side of many pictures. I see he's on twitter and looking through really awful tweets.

"Johnson." I say as I look back at him with tears in my eyes.

I hold him in my arms as I turn off his phone and just hug him. All the guys were downstairs eating dinner and I noticed Johnson wasn't there so I came up here and this is what happened.

After a few minutes he fell asleep in my arms. I grab my phone and tweet out;

Hi guys I feel so bad for what's been going on with Johnson he's so upset and I wish he understood you guys love him. Can you guys get #WeLoveYouJohnson trending? 😭💖

As soon as I tweet that I get so many retweets and favorites. After a few minutes the fans were tweeting me and all the guys that Johnson deserves to know he's loved and that they love him and and all. The hashtag started trending worldwide. I woke Johnson up and showed him the trend. He just started crying and hugged me.

"Johnson you deserve to know we love you do much. We love you Johnson no matter what we always will." I say as we slowly fall into a deep darkness.

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