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Once I arrived at the principal's office I knocked on the door and waited for the person to let me in. Gladly speaking I didn't know if this person was the same form my old school or not but I was done playing nice. I was me and no one could change that one.

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

I wonder if this principal is a total idiot and a jerk...

Well only one way to find out!

So, I went inside the office and was meat with a guy that I know way to fell. This was the guy that in a previous life of mine beat the living shit out of me until I was unconscious and let the security of the school throw me out into the rain and left me there until I woke up. All this for what? Something I didn't even do but was claimed to have done by a student and the teacher. If something like this happened here to then I wouldn't just stand by and let him beat me at all.

Me: I was told to come here.

I wonder if he knows why I am here...

Principal: What did you do this time, Midoriya.

Wait a moment!

This time?!

What does he think I did?!

Me: Punched Bakugo.

It was as simple as that and this time it was the truth. I did punch him though I didn't start the fight or maybe I did but I felt threatened.

Principal: You punched a student again?

Hold on!

Did he say again?

Like again AGAIN!

Me: Again?

Principal: We both know that you still remember what happened. Besides I see you are finally coming straight with me and not giving me the I didn't do anything crap.

I do but not what this Izuku experienced soo no I don't.

Besides I am pretty sure that this Izuku can't even harm a fly unless like a certain other killer rabbit.

So I am sure he was falls accused a lot.

I do wonder who he punched though or was accused to have punched...

I don't think it is Bakugo.

Me: Sir, by all due respect I really don't remember anything.

Principal: Talking back, now are we?!

Me: No, Sir.

Principal: Seeing as this is not the first time you are leaving me with no other choice but suspension.

Me: Sir, by all due respect but Bakugo is hitting me on a daily basis or I think he is and you never punished him for that. Besides that, he just was about to use his quirk in public. This is not only against the rule but also against the law. Illegal quirk usage can get him in prison for a couple of years not to mention quirk discrimination.

Which I would gladly put him in.

He is dangerous and he shouldn't be left to be a hero.

I mean come on he screams SHINE or DIE at everyone when he just went for an attack.

First of it is pretty obviously and seconds don't you think that is a villain's job?


Well guess you just mixed up the term's villain and hero then. Oh wait no! Juts look at Endeavor that bitch is a villain in my opinion too.

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