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I spend nearly each and every moment at the beach cleaning it an strengthening my body as well as gaining some stamina. Not only that but I also started going for a morning jog and parkouring before I make breakfast for us and after dinner. In the end I was ready for the entrance exam. My mother didn't even know that I entered myself into the UA entrance exam but what can I do.

All Might: My boy are you planning on entering UA?

Me: Yes.

All Might: For which course did you sign up?

Me: Hero course.

All Might: I wish you good luck.

Me: Thanks.

We both were at the beach chilling after I cleaned up the last peace. The exam was tomorrow and I was ready for it.

Me: All Might can I ask you something?

All Might: Sure.

Me: Why did you wanted to train me?

All Might: I thought it would be good for you.

Me: ...

All Might: I tell you what, let's celebrate this nice view and success. Food's on me.

Me: Cool!

Just like that we went back to the city and into a nice restaurant which I wasn't sure if I was even allowed to go in seeing as how everyone was dressed up nicely.

Me: Ahm All Might... is this really okay?

All Might: Yes, my boy.

I followed him inside and we were soon led to a VIP area. We could still see everyone else but we were now sitting a little bit further away than everyone else and I could see how much everyone was looking at us and I felt unconformable.

All Might: How do you plan to get through the physical exam?

Seeing as he wanted to bring my attention back to him and not our surrounding I accepted and welcomed the change and took out a 2 twin daggers.

Seeing as he wanted to bring my attention back to him and not our surrounding I accepted and welcomed the change and took out a 2 twin daggers

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Me: I was working on these and I also have the go from Nezu that I can use them.

All Might: Daggers?

Me: Yes. I made them myself and they are also not any daggers. They have a compartment that is filled with a tranquilizer. If I press this button here the blade will be covered in it and I can knock out any opponent. Then there is this button that allows me to heat up this blade and cut through any metal. If I press the same button on the other one it will cool down to minus degrees in case I need a weapon against something hot. Oh and both of them can electrocute my opponents too. I asked Nezu in an email if I could use them while making sure that no one would get hurt and he said that he wouldn't mind since it would fall into the category of a support item.

All Might: You really thought this through.

Me: Yep.

All Might: Does he know about the weapon?

Me: He only knows that it will be daggers nothing more nothing less.

All Might: Hmmm... It might be a problem once he saw what they can do.

Me: He would have asked if he was interested in them, wouldn't he?

All Might: You are right my boy.

As we were talking about my plan and how much I was prepared for it a gunshot could be heard which made us both look at the opponent. Someone just entered the nice restaurant and was pointing the gun at everyone.

???: This is a hostage situation! Anyone moves and I'll shoot.

Before I knew it, I stood up and erased my presence while taking of the blades cover and began walking straight to them before running. The opponents didn't see me nor did they pay any attention. Once guy had a gun pointed at the people sitting there aka us and then there were two on the door and one that was robbing the restaurant.

I went to the first one and knocked him out with the back of my dagger before running to the other two on the door.

??? 2: What the-?

They saw me but neither of them could react as I dodged and sidestepped out of their field of vision and went behind their back hitting a pressure point. The other one immediately starting shooting and I jumped back and threw my blade at him just slightly cutting him on the side of his neck. The guy immediately went down.

Once I landed I took the weapon that was laying on the ground and began taking it apart. I didn't want to leave them any chances that they would wake up and start shooting. The last guy was taken out by All Might and I went and retrieved my dagger before putting them away again.

All Might: My boy this was very reckless of you.

Me: But efficient and no one was harmed.

All Might: Why did you do this?

Me: I couldn't help it. Before I knew it, I was running at them and you saw me. I had everything under control.

All Might: I did and I need to speak with you under 4 eyes.

We waited for the police and gave them the villains and out statements before we both went somewhere more private.

All Might: My boy what you did was very brave and I was searching for a successor for so long. I want you to be my successor. You see my quirk is called One for All and it is a quirk I wasn't born with but was given too.

I know I know!

Can we please skip this whole bla bla right to the point you give it to me?


This is the same thing over again!

I stopped listening to him until he asked me if I would accept it and that was the moment I said yes. Oh boy how I hated to swallow his hair again but I couldn't just ask him for his blood and so I went ahead and did what I already did once in my past life. Only this time I wasn't thinking of using his quirk at all only as a backup. It was powerful but I still preferred to fight quirkless but the speed it gave me was something I was sure I needed.

After that he basically explained to me how to use it by just saying I should clench my but cheeks together and let go of the power which by now I knew wasn't a good thing at all.

Now I was prepared for everything that was about to happen and if I saw the LOV I would for sure change their believes too. I knew their past after all and Is still wanted to give them another chance. It was not as if villains were born evil or anything they were made and these people suffered a lot. If I could be their hero than I would be it. The one that jumps into the darkness to give them some light. 

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