Quirk Assesment Test: Ball Throw

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Aizawa: Now that I have your attention! First up is the ball throw. I will explain this only once, so listen up!

Everyone was giving him their full attention seeing as everything was possible and that he might really throw someone out if they rank last on this test.

Aizawa: I am sure everyone has thrown a ball in their lives at some point but this time I want you to throw as far as possible. Everything is allowed.

Sounds simple enough.

I could use OfA but why should I do that?

I would only show them that my so called quirklessness was a lie.

Then again, he said everything is allowed... I might also see what the others do and copy them. Not originally but it works.

Besides that, this is a fine chance to observe everyone and see if they are still the ones I know or if they are different as well or still the same.

By now I am sure Uraraka isn't a traitor here but what about Mina?

I do wonder if they never actually meet the LOV or if they just never came into a situation that would make them vulnerable...

I know that Uraraka was only a traitor because her family need the money the LOV offered and Mina thought she doesn't fit with anyone. She was bullied but still she does seem to be actually good body body with Denki.

I watched everyone use their quirk and one girl stood out from the rest of them. It was Urarka as it was a sight on its own seeing a ball float to infinity. If I would be able to guess then I would say it was flying up to the sun and would get burned there.

A gravity manipulating quirk...

Still really cool and useful!

Too bad that she was a traitor in my world. Maybe I could befriend her and the whole class in this one. We will need to function as one if the LOV really will go ahead and attack us.

But for now, I need to focus on the test!

I don't want to lose after all!

This will be perfect tough!

She seems like a nice person here and not like a bitch how I know her!

I can ask her to help me out!

With a plan forming in my head, I went towards the group of girls.

Me: Uraraka Ochaco, right?

Uraraka: Yes. You are Midoriya aren't you?

Me: Call me Izu.

Uraraka: Then call me Ochaco.

Me: Your quirk is soo cool!

Jiro: He is right!

Uraraka: Ahm thanks...

Me: Infinity. I beat you got the highest score here!

Tsuyu: 100 percent *ribbit*

Me: I bet the other guys are jealous right now!

Right before I could talk with them further, Aizawa called my name up.

Aiazwa: Izuku Midoriya.

Me: Well see you guys!

I went towards him picked the ball up and turned around towards Uraraka.

Me: Ochaco-chan catch!

I threw the ball very lightly towards her. It wasn't hard to catch it.

Aiazwa: Kid?

Me: You said everything is allowed!

I went towards Uraraka and was about to take the ball from her.

Me: Ahm, I am embarrassed to ask you this but could you make it a little lighter, please?

Uraraka: Sure.

She used her quirk on the ball and gave it back to me. I then went towards the throwing area and threw the ball.

Aizawa: 1000 meters. Next one.

Aoyama: That isn't fair mon ami!

Mina: He used her quirk instead of his!

Me: No, that is wrong, Aizawa said that everything is allowed and I asked her to make it lighter.

Aoyama: How is that allowed?!

Aizawa: Izuku here is right. He did nothing against the rules I stated!

Aoyama: This is cheating!

Me: If you think so, then I shall use my quirk now.

I was about to leave and go back to my spot but now I was walking straight back to Aizawa and took the ball out of his hand.

I then threw the ball as hard as I can powering OfA at 42%. Not only did the the ball went ahead flying like nothing describable of this world but it also broke the wall of sound and a made a boom.

Me: Better?

Aizawa: Infinity...

Me: Huh? I know I can throw it far but not infinity.

Aizawa: Kid, the ball went to fast for it to actual be able to keep track with it.

Me: Oh.

I turned around and saw the other from my class down on the ground laying there with their hands covering their ears.

Everyone was just shocked, well everyone besides Aizawa since I basically told him before that I could use All Might's quirk.

Too Much?

But you did ask for this!


Me: What's soo funny?


Me: HUH!

Before I knew it Bakugo was running at me and I knew that I could have dodged it or even injured him but before he could even come close to me, Aizawa had him wrapped up and began dragging him a little bit away from me.

I bowed before the class before going to each and every one and help them get back up. Once everyone was back up, everyone began telling me how cool I was for not using my quirk and how cool I was to not focus on my quirk and don't ally on it as much. They made it sound as if I was some kind of idol to them. For me it was funny how the class attitude changed in an instant but who was I to complain. I wanted to make them all my friends and this was a good step towards it.

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