Usagi the hero of the fallen ones!

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I was with the LOV and for some reason they wanted me to dress up in my hero suit what I did but it had some blood on it.

Me: Can someone please explain why my hero suit has some blood?

Toga: Ohh but blood looks soo good on you! I thought I might make it a little bit better.

Me: *Sigh*

Of course, you and your crazy blood lust!

Kurogiri: Izu, I need your opinion on our basement.

Me: Basement? Wait are we seriously making a gamer basement? I thought we already had this discussion.

Shiggy: Yeah no we are getting it.

Me: Shiggy! No stealing! Besides Kurogiri don't you have a job to be in right now?

Kurogiri: Yes, and could we please make this quirk.

Me: Fine.

I went with him to the basement but the moment we were down, I heard the door lock behind me and Kurogiri vanished.

Me: What the heck guys?

Now something began to click. I was wearing my hero outfit and they all were wearing their villain except Kurogiri and I just walked into a trap from them.

You can't be serious...

They really are gonna return me back and play the villains?

You can't get rid of me that easily!

I walked up the stair and tried to open the door at first but then decided to kick it down. However, before I could do anything, I hear All Might's voice.



This again!!!

Wait but that means they lead them here!

Are they really gonna abandon their home for me?

I feel bad now!


I stepped back from the door and decide to go back down and wait for them. The moment the door was busted open and All Might including Aizawa came in.

All Might: My boy, are you all right?

Me: Yeah.

Aizawa: Did they do anything to you?

Me: No. I was just put in here.

All Might: Do you know where they are?

Me: No.

All lies!

You really think I would tell you about them?

About the family I build up?!


Heck no!

You could even kill me and I would never tell you!

They brought me back to UA and Recovery Girl immediately checked me up. Since I was good and they couldn't understand why I was so bloodied, they just let me go. The blood was apparently something Toga put on and made a new art work project of the basement. After I spend a couple of hours with Recovery Girl, I specifically asked to see Nezu and they let me do this.

Me: Nezu, we need to talk.

Nezu: Oh my! Is this fake blood?

Me: Probably since it is not mine.

Nezu: It doesn't smell like animal or human blood either.

Me: Good at least I don't need to scold them.

Nezu: Them? You know the villains that held you captive.

Me: Yes. That is the reason I came here. First of I was never held captive but chose to be with them in order to get them back on track and not let them succumb to darkness further.

Nezu: Is this the ones you said you wanted to safe?

Me: Yes, and this is why I am here.

Nezu: What do you need?

Me: A bar for one of them. He is a great bar tender and I am sure that he can do a great business and lead it to success. A house where the Todoroki's can live in normal and away from their father. 3 of the people I saved don't have a home and I would like them to be able to attend any classes in UA. They deserve another chance. I will also ask my mother if she would be willing to adopt 2 of them.

Nezu: That are quite the demands you have there.

Me: I can also release everything about you SCP-0042. It is either you manage to perform your duty as a pro hero and as a principal or I would gladly reveal a couple of information about every single UA staff. Would that be better?

Nezu: I will see what I can do.

Me: Thank you, I am sure this won't be a hard task for you and your blackmail stuff.

After that was done, I was sent home and my mom immediately cried upon seeing me and hugged me.

Me: Mom... Can I ask you for a favor?

Mom: Anything for you bunny.

Me: I meet 4 other people while I was held captured. They don't have a family anymore... Can they stay with us?

Mom: Of course, they can!

Just like that I hunted every single LOV member down and brought them to my mom including AfO. She accepted them all and she and AfO became good friends. I also told Dabi, Toga and Shigaraki about UA and that if they wanted they could attempt it which they all accepted.

I also made sure Dabi and Shoto would meet and stay together from now on. I told Dabi he could choose if he wanted to stay with me and my mom or his brother. More like I gave him the option to come to my family and stay over anytime he wanted.

This was how I succeeded my mission and changed the fate of the LOV.

I would say mission accomplished!

Thankfully they accepted my offer!

I am so happy to see them happy again!

Not to mention that I didn't need to fight with a nomu or even deal with traitors!

This universe is really better than mine!

I am happy I got the chance to live here!

Though if I had the chance to jump again knowing that I would end up here I would do it immediately.

There was never a chance that I could win the fight or even change the LOV's fate in my world but in this world.... everything was open to me.

Even Bakugo changed.

What a world and what an adventure I had...


A/N: Thank you all for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it!

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