Quirk Assesment Test: The beginning

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A/N: I took parts of The light in the dark my other book for this since I do want to make the quirk assessment test into a couple of chapters instead of one. This makes it easier for me to write and change the things I wanted.

It didn't take long for everyone to get out. Everyone one of us students were there into our gym outfits.

Tsu: What are we doing out here.

Iida: Shouldn't we be in the auditorium?

Uraraka: Wasn't Nezu doing some kind of announcement?

Aizawa: Shut up, all of you!

He used his quirk for intimidation which helped him against the rest of the class besides me. I was used to see him use it on me and knew how it felt too so all I did was watch them and how they were digging their own grave for now. I knew exactly what they were doing and how Aizawa would react but by now I also knew why he was so angry at us.

Aizawa: Now, we here for a qurik assessment test.

Jiro: But were we not supposed to be in the auditorium and hear Nezu's speech?

Aizawa: UA gives us teacher the ability to teach their lessons however we want. When I say we do a test then we do one. If you don't want to pack your things and leave!

The whole class began looking at each other unsure what to think of this.

Aizawa: I see no one ready to leave yet. There will be 8 test that I will be judging you by. I am sure everyone did them once in their life without their quirk but you are here in UA now and training to be a hero. I want you to use your quirk on all of these exercises. Everything is allowed.

Mina: Oh that sounds like fun.

Me: Fun?

Mina: Yeah.

Me: Is this some kind of game for you?

Denki: Huh?

Me: Are quirks a game for you guys?

Kirishima: Bro calm down!

Bakugo: As expected from a Deku that never had a quirk!

Me: Sure, how about I show your damn quirk up your ass? Does your quirk help you from preventing me doing this? NO?! Does it help you recover from a fatal wound? No? THE WHY THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING DANDLION!!!!

Uraraka: This is only an exercise.

Me: One that should prepare us for our future! You want to be heroes then you should be prepared for everything or you could easily lose your life.

Iida: I understand what you are talking about Midoriya but don't you think this is a little bit much?

Me: A little bit much?! If you thing life is a game then leave! If you think that being a hero is a game then open your good damn eyes. They risk they life on a daily basis. Is that fun to you?

Mina: No... but we are not risking our life here!

Me: You sure? Then how about we fight and I show you how week you are by relying on your quirk alone!

Kaminari: Bro, calm down.

Bakugo: Stop fucking around with him! If you are that dumb you fucking extra than leave! You don't deserve to be here!

Me: Oh so you do remember how it feels to be beaten quirkless.

Bakugo: As if you beat me deku.

Me: It's Usagi!

I began walking towards him with the deadly aura up in the air and started only to dash at him the moment he blinked at me once and immediately was in front of him... He immediately froze and I could hear a sight behind me before I let go of him.

Aizawa: If this is so much fun for you then let's make this more fun, shall we? The person that I ranked as last will be expelled immediately!

Mineta: You can't do that!

Aizawa: I can and I will!

The moment I heard him say that I let go of Mineta and decided to level up the stage a little bit more.

Me: Why not make a one on one fight if you think you are that better!

Mineta: What, beating you? No way!

Me: How about our teacher?

Mineta: Are you mad? He is a pro there is no chance I could do that.

Me: But you are confident that you would make it?

Mineta: Of course.

Me: Okay how about this then. I know that all our teacher wants is to make us work with 100% if you lose you will pack your things on your own and leave if I place first you will go on your own but I place below you, I'll leave.

Mineta: Deal!

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