The rest of the LOV

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Once we were back at the lair, I went to the bar and sat down on a nearby chair thinking about where Toga as well as Dabi would be. I knew that the others of the LOV are safe but these two had experienced way too much.

Kurogiri: What now?

Shigaraki: Ask the glitch over there!

Me: I am not a glitch but a titan and a bunny at that.

Shigaraki: A glitch is a glitch!

Me: Tell me if you had a second chance what would you want to be?

Kurogiri: A bar owner.

Me: Sounds like you. You also know a lot about drinks don't you.

Kurogiri: Yes.

Me: What about you Shiggy?

Shigaraki: Shiggy?

Me: Yep the German Pokémon name for Squirtle.

Shigaraki: Do I fucking look like a turtle to you?

Me: No but you kinda do remind me of it. Either I call you that or fairy or by your name Tenko.

Shigaraki: Shiggy is good.

Me: Great now then. I'll be out for a little bit and you go and think about how you would want to change your future.

I stood up from the chair and went to his side and gave him a quick hug and a pat on his shoulder before I went out without even telling anyone where I was going. There was a rason for that since I was about to hunt down a hero killer.

Yep I was about to hunt down Stain.

I knew he was around this part of the town since they basically asked him to be part of them. So, this meant that I could find his followers close by too when I found him.

This was how I started was running from roof to roof still in my hero costume until I found Stain.

Me: Good evening.

The moment I jumped on the same roof, I greeted him and he immediately turned around since I didn't make any noise nor did I have a presence since I was concealing it.

Stain: Who are you, kid.

Me: A hero in training and not a threat to you.

Stain: A hero in training you say? Why are you here? Are you here to end my wrong doing?

Me: Quite the opposite. I am here because I am in search for two of your followers.

Stain: That is new.

Me: Their names are Dabi and Toga. I want to give them a second chance and get them a home and a place to stay.

Stain: Why would you do that?

Me: Because everyone deserves a second chance and villains are not born but made. A lot of them were even force to be one by this society or heroes like Dabi.

Stain: I see you have your heart at the right place.

Me: Thank you. Now do you know where I could find them?

Stain: Try looking at *****.

Me: Thank you.

Just like that I turned around and was about to leave if not for the fact that I felt his movement and immediately dodged it. It wasn't pure coincident. He started fighting with me and as he was suing his katana I took out my daggers and both blades hit each other.

Me: Bold of yuo to attack me!

Stain: ...

Me: Testing my ability huh...

I at first only started blocking until our fight started to heat up and all of the sudden I changed the tempo of our fight and threw him off-guard with it. After that I simply dodged to the side, kicked his weapon out of his hand, threw him on the ground since I just swooped him of the ground before pointing my two daggers at his neck. It was at that point that I also had the aura he would normally use around myself and made him freeze up.

Me: You lost hero killer.

It went way too fast for him and all he could do was blink. I then stood up and helped him up too. Not to mention that I went ahead and picked his sword up.

Me: Here you go. If you excuse myself now, I need to find two people.

Stain: I'll be going with you.

Me: Huh?

Stain: You are a true hero and I will stand a point telling everyone not to hurt you.

Me: Awww thank you!

I gave him a smile as warm as the sun and then we both began running and jumping from roof to roof until we went to the abandoned building. It was as he said and we found Toga and Dabi there.


Dabi: Why are you here?

Stain: I am here because I am escorting this hero.

Me: I am Izuku Midoriya or also known as Usagi.

Stain: I will not let you harm him. He is a true hero.

Me: Thanks, but you do know that I don't need a protector.

Stain: I realized that from our fight but I'll be still here for you.

Me: *Sigh*

What have I done?!

Me: Anyways, Toga, Dabi, I am here because I wanted to give you guys a new life or otherwise a known as a second chance. Toga, I want to give you a life where you can make a lot of different friends as well as have a place to be where everyone is accepting you.

Toga: You... You would ... You would do something like this?

Me: Yes and as for you Dabi, Shoto needs you and you need him. I want to get you guys together again. Of course, I will not let you get back to the trash bag of a father. There are also 2 other people that would be like your family.

Dabi: Where is the catch?

Me: No catch.

Dabi: You can't tell me you are doing this for us?

Me: I am.

Dabi: And we don't have to do anything?

Me: Nothing.

Just like that we all returned to the LOV except Stain. He told me he would watch over me in the night just in case someone wanted to attack or get rid of me. I had his full loyalty after I managed to beat him in a fight and use the same aura at him too.

This was how I made the LOV a nice family. I spend a month with them making them realize how similar they all were and after a month they all felt and acted as a family. I could tell how much they enjoyed being together. 

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