Focus on me!

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Since I knew what would happen on the first day of school, I decided to be the one that would call him out. This was how he came into the room sneaking in and I made eye contact with him.

Me: Guys, look a caterpillar!

I maybe shouldn't have said that but he seriously doesn't look like a cat to me in his yellow sleeping bag.

Bakugo: The fuck deku?

Me: What?

Bakugo: How the fuck did you even get in?

Me: You would like to know huh!

Bakugo: You want a fucking fight?

Me: You want another broken nose? Or maybe should I pin you down so that your explosions can hurt yourself?



I stood up and my chair fell over while I was about to attack him though I managed to hold myself back and went to the back took my uniform and went to the front to the caterpillar.

Me: I'll be waiting outside for the test you prepared.

Just like that I went out of the class and the moment I did that every single one's eyes followed me and saw Aizawa.

Aizawa: Congratulation it took you 8 seconds and it would have taken you longer if not for him. No everyone grab your things and meet me outside on ground beta.

That was all I could hear while I was walking down the corridor to the changing room and went out. By the time I was out Aizawa was already there.

Aizawa: Problem Child.

Me: Eraserhead.

Aizawa: You saw me enter and called me a caterpillar?

Me: Can you blame me?

Aizawa: *Sigh*

Me: I'll be quite and they will probably take another 15-20 minutes which you can use to sleep.

Aizawa: Kid, how have you been?

Me: Good, you?

Aizawa: Also, good.

Me: ...

Aizawa: ... So you made it in. Does your mother know?

Me: She found out the moment I got the letter.

Aizawa: And?

Me: She was shocked but accepted it.

Aizawa: You trained a lot.

Me: Yep.

Aizawa: Did you made the daggers on your own?

Me: Hm.

Aizawa: You have talent kid.

Me: Thanks.

Aizawa: *Sigh* Kid are you been treated well at home?

Me: Yes and I can only consider that I am lucky that I have such a great mother.

Aizawa: I see.

Me: So you plan on making an assessment test?

Aizawa: Did Nezu tell you?

Me: Kinda.

Aizawa: He informed me that you might be different and that you will be allowed to have your daggers with you at all time. Kid don't do anything stupid with them.

Me: Never intend to do that. Can I ask you something?

Aizawa: Depends.

Me: Can we fight each other? I want to know how much I managed to improve my agility.

Aizawa: ... Sure...

Just like that we both went apart and then quickly charged at each other. He started use his quirk on me as well as having his scarf up in the air. Though the moment I saw the scarf, I dodged the first throw and grabbed it, junking Aizawa towards me and then use that moment to vanish from his field of sight and go behind him. Then I swooped him off his feet and grabbed the scarf out of his hand and quickly wrap him up once before he landed on the ground.

Me: I guess I win.

Aizawa: Well done.

I quickly let go and helped him stand up.

Aizawa: Who taught you to move like this?

Me: No one. I watched a couple of fights and studied their moves.

Aizawa: Good work kid.

Me: Thanks!

Since there was still time left we both started to talk about All Might and I figured since he is my homeroom teacher I might as well tell him about OfA since he would also find out sooner or later.

Me: I have a quirk now.

Aizawa: Huh?

Me: It's called OfA and All Might gave it to me after he chose me as a successor. Though the only reason he spends time with me was because I jumped because of him.

Aizawa: Say what?

Me: I wanted to inform you about this since you are in charge of us after all.

Aizawa: Thanks kid. Is there anything I need to know about it?

Me: Drawback is that I can break my bones if I use it careless or at full power. My body can't take it for now.

Aizawa: I understand.

Me: Well anyways I'll do my best at the next couple of tests. Though you don't mind if I refuse to use it at some tests, right? I still want to rely on my own skill more than the quirks.

Aizawa: I understand.

After that the people of my class started showing up and I was only happy that no one asked why I did what I did and turned their focus on me instead of Aizawa.

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