Lost in Japan - Beomgyu

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This is a story about the feeling of being lost and longing to be found. It's also about subway rides, neon lights, and the embrace of someone you love.

The subway car is packed and silent. It's 7pm on a Tuesday.

Peak rush hour.

Bodies of strangers press against me as I hang onto the handrail. I'm surrounded on all sides, but I can still see over the top of the woman's head in front of me. She glances at me and I smile apologetically for invading her personal space, but I really have no space to move. She doesn't see me though-- no one seems to realize I'm here.

I glance up across the length of the subway car, looking past the dark suits and quiet faces of the people in front of me. The only eyes I see are those of the men and women in the colorful advertisements on the wall. I can't help but wonder if she's been in this subway car before. The thought of finally being close to her sends my heart racing.

Suddenly, the car stops and the doors open. A new group of passengers comes in and I'm pressed even deeper into the corner, but at least now I'm against the wall. I sigh, dropping my head on the cold surface. I rest my chin on my bicep and glance at the subway map on the wall across from me.

One more stop.

My heart races again and I get jittery-- the sudden urge to tap my foot travels down my leg, but I don't want to bother the people around me.

Maybe it's Tokyo. But I feel disoriented-- like I've never been here before. But I know it's not that.

It's Maddie.

It's always been Maddie. Since the day I saw her for the first time at the supermarket until today. It's always been her.

Just then, I notice the subway car slow down as the pleasant voice of the female announcer comes on the PA.

"Tsugi wa, Shibuya. Deguchi wa, hidari."

I'm almost there- Shibuya Station. I pull my head up and glance over at the doors, wondering how I will get past the multitude of people around me to exit. But as soon as the car pulls to a stop and the doors open, I'm pulled out with the current of passengers moving with me.

I step out under the cold fluorescent lights of the station and glance around looking for signs to Hachiko Gate, just like Maddie told me.

"I'll meet you there at 7:30p"

I finally find it and follow the crowds walking in that direction. I slip my ticket through the turnstiles and turn left, following the crowd to the large staircase in front of us. The dark night sky appears as we ascend and a breeze of fresh air is sucked into the tunnel. The multitude of people spill out into the streets as others descend down the stairs and I start to feel disoriented again. The knot in my chest travels up my throat and I forget to breathe.

What if she changes her mind?

I know I'm early, but I look for her. I haven't seen her in six months. But all I see is the tall cylindrical tower of Shibuya 109 as it appears in the horizon, the bright neon lights casting their colorful glow all around the square.

What if she leaves me waiting and never comes back?

I glance around the crowd, a mix of tourists and locals meeting up with friends and taking pictures of the famous crossing. I spot a group of teenagers as I step out onto the sidewalk. They're chatting happily while they look at their phones. Looking around I notice couples walking hand in hand, salarymen wearing identical black suits laughing as they make their way to a bar. Until I finally spot our meeting place.

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