Hometown - Soobin [part 3] 🔞

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Soobin    09:33
"Hey baby, I guess I just missed you... How are you gonna send me a text like that and not pick up? Call me when you get a chance, okay?"

Soobin    12:47
"Hey, I know you're in class right now but I was looking at your pictures and wanted you to know I miss you. I'll call you tonight when I get home."

Soobin    15:17
"Hey baby, sorry I missed your call, but I got your voicemail. I know you're nervous about your final, but you'll do great! You'll see. We just finished dance practice... I'm so tired. But I keep thinking about you and seeing you this weekend. I just want to hear your voice... call me when you finish your test, okay?"

Soobin    23:30
"Hey, I know we keep missing each other but it's been really busy. I'm sorry, baby. I'm back at the dorm now, laying in bed with your shirt next to me. It still smells like you, your perfume...  it's almost like you're in bed with me... I keep thinking about you. Call me?"


I lay down on the sofa, grinning from ear to ear, getting lost in the sound of his soft, breathy voice. We haven't talked all day, but it almost feels like we have.

"Are you still up?"

I text him, not wanting to call him in case he's already sleeping. But almost as soon as I hit send, his picture appears on my screen and I pick up.

"Hey Binnie," I say, smiling like an idiot as I curl up into a ball. "I'm sorry I missed your calls... I had a lot of errands to run between classes."

"It's okay," he says, his voice soft and sweet. I hear some shuffling on his end and I figure he's now laying down in bed. "How did your test go?"

"It went well actually," I sigh, feeling relieved. I fidget with the hem of my shirt, folding it between my fingers.

He giggles and I start giggling with him. "You see? I told you!"

"I know! But I've been so distracted lately... I don't know- I thought I would bomb it..."

"You? Bomb a test? You were my tutor for a reason-" he says, the smirk clear in his voice.

"I think I tutored you for other reasons too," I giggle, my cheeks getting red.

He laughs but gets silent suddenly, his soft breathing echoing in my ear. "I miss you, Danbi..."

"I miss you too, Binnie," I whisper, frowning as I gaze down at the sofa. "But I'll see you on Friday, right?"

He lets out a quiet laugh, the kind that makes his smile go wide. "Yeah... I can't wait, baby."

I feel the butterflies in my stomach thinking about seeing him again after two weeks of being apart. His lips, his hands, his scent...

"Danbi?" he asks suddenly. I hum in response, wondering what he'll say. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, Binnie- anything," I respond, pulling my knees up to my chest.

"How, um-" he starts, swallowing back for a moment. "How are you feeling about us?"

But I stay quiet, chewing my lip.

"Danbi? You still there?" he asks, breathing softly into the receiver.

"Yeah, I'm here," I answer back, picking at the fuzz on my sock.

"What's wrong? Are you mad at me?" he asks, his voice soft but tense.

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