Déjà Vu - Beomgyu 🔞

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March 13, 2022


A gust of wind blows through the park, rustling the leaves of the cherry blossom above us. Its delicate pink petals fall all around us like rain drops.

"There- right there-" I lean forward on my knees to zoom in on her face, gripping the camera steadily between my fingers.

Maddie's white linen dress shines against the green of the trees. She leans back on her arms and dips her hand in the lake, tracing circles over the surface of the water. She lifts her face up to the sun and I get the perfect shot. "Perfect- Now look at me-"

She shifts her chocolate brown eyes to look at me through the lens. They glimmer in the sunlight but I can tell she's struggling to keep them open.

"Baby, it's so sunny..." she giggles and her lips curl up to a smile. I snap another picture.

"There! That's the one," I grin excitedly, pulling the camera away from my face to check the picture on the viewfinder. "Look how beautiful you look..."

She gets up and scoots over to me, pressing her cheek against my shoulder as I hold the camera in my hands.

She giggles, her eyes going big. "Wow, who knew I'd look so good squinting at the sun!"

"You look beautiful all the time," I say, turning my gaze to her.

"You're sweet, Gyu," she smiles and grabs my face to peck me on the cheek. "I'm so happy you like your present, baby."

I grin and put the camera down between my legs. "I love it-" I grab her face, squeezing it between my hands. "And I love you so, so, so much-"

She laughs and scrunches her nose as I pepper her face with loud kisses. "Beomgyu- stop-"

"No, not stopping!" I laugh and push her down on the grass, digging my face into her neck.

She yelps out with a giggle. "Baby, stop- you're tickling me!"

But I can't. She's perfect. The sweet scent of her skin- the way her hair slips through my fingers like water- the irresistible sound of her laughter in my ear-

I've missed her so much.

I arrived in Tokyo last night. The two-hour flight from Seoul felt like it went on for an eternity. I hoped and prayed that my weekend with Maddie would feel the same way. But as soon as I saw her waiting for me on the train platform, I felt time flying by. Our first kiss in over a month. Feeling her hand in mine, clammy from excitement. Her head on my shoulder on our train ride back to her place. The way we undressed each other as soon as I closed the door to her apartment.

Glimpses of our time together flying all around me like the cherry petals. Beautiful but ephemeral. Brilliant but fragile.

I feel her touch on my cheek, light and delicate. I turn my gaze to her, realizing I must've spaced out.

"Baby?" she asks, her voice sweet but tremulous. I hum in response and she smiles. "I'm so happy you're here..."

"I am too, babe..." I mumble, following my finger as I trace the shape of her shoulder, pulling the strap of her dress back up.

"You sure?" she asks sweetly, noticing the way I shift my gaze to her as soon as I hear the doubt in her voice. "I know you, Beom- you're never this quiet," she giggles at the end of her sentence and takes my hand. "What's wrong?"

I sigh and slide back onto the grass, laying down next to her as I roll onto my side.

"It's time..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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