Chapter 11 - Part 1

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e l e v e n/ p a r t 1


With a sigh, I slammed my locker door shut and leant my head against the cold metal surface. I had just, yet again, failed at getting Tyler's attention. I tried calling out to him while I was at my locker, even making the stupid decision of chasing after him and making myself look like an idiot. But, it was to no avail as he just ignored my presence. I had to trudge back to my locker like I was walking the walk of shame.

The sound of my locker shutting caused even more hushed whispers. It had only been two days since the dance but everybody already knew what happened with me and Derrick. I cannot count the times I passed someone to see them trying to hide their stares as they quietly gossipped to their friends.

"I feel so bad for her."

"Why? She's totally faking the whole thing. Probably just to get attention."

"Where'd you hear that?"

"Audrey told Tiffany, Tiffany told Mindy, and Mindy told me."

Figures my own sister would be the cause of the rumors.

"What's got you down, clown?" Alannah asked, skipping to me gleefully. I scowled at her happiness and just groaned in response. She rolled her eyes but giggled a little. "What's up, buttercup? What's got you in the dumps, grumps? What's-"

"If I tell you, will you please shut the hell up?" I snapped. Rather than her face filling with hurt, she just nodded amusedly as if my anger was funny. I subtly pointed at the gossiping girls behind us. Alannah's face filled with irritation as she listened to their conversation. I turned and watched as she stomped over to them, fear splashing across the nicer girl's face. The bitchy one just met Alannah's glare with one of her own.

Just then, Jared walked past me, causing me to tune out Alannah's threats. I pushed myself off my locker and headed for him. Once he saw me, his eyes widened and he tried to make a getaway.

"Oh no you don't!" I exclaimed, grabbing his sleeve and pulling him back to me. He sent me a look begging for me to let him go, but I wasn't having any of it. "Why won't Tyler at least let me apologize?"

Jared ignored my question, but grudgingly relented when I tightened my grip on my arm. "He's hurt," he answered simply. My heart filled with guilt but I did my best to not focus on it. We can worry about my asshole-ery later. I rolled my eyes, not pleased with his short answers. He really needs to learn some communication skills.

"I know, Jared, and I'm incredibly sorry. But if he just gave me a chance to explain-"

"Sorry, Chloe. I'm not interfering," he cut in, sending me what was supposed to look like an apologetic look but really just looked like he ate too many burritos.

"Well why not?" I pushed, trying to get an answer.

"He's my cousin and you're my friend."

"But-" He sent me one last sorry glance before wrenching his arm out of my grasp and walking away. I stared after him, sighing dejectedly and crossing my arms. Alannah approached me again, tugging the sleeves of her blue sweater back down. Once she saw me, her revenge eyes turned into ones of concern.

"What's wrong, Chlo?" she questioned softly. I glanced around and shook my head. Grabbing her arm, I led her down the halls and pushed open the bathroom door, pulling her inside. The smell of cleaner hit my nose immediately. Alannah knew the drill. She moved around to each stall, checking under the doors and pushing them open to make sure nobody was in them. Once we were sure the coast was clear, I leaned against the sinks opposite the green stalls and stared at her sadly. I felt tears pricking at my eyes but I pushed them away. I've done enough crying this week.

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