Chapter 17

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"Cape May Creamery?"

I looked at Tyler who was staring up at the sign above us in confusion at the odd name. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I sent him an assuring smile.

"I know the name is a bit weird," I began knowingly, "but this place is amazing, I promise." Tyler sent me a disbelieving glance, but smiled back at me nonetheless. After climbing out of the car, we grasped hands and went inside, the bell above the door jingling as we opened it.

"I'll be with you in a second!" a warm and familiar voice called from the back room. The voice sent a pleasant feeling through me, causing me to smile.

"Isn't it a bit cold for ice cream?" Tyler asked, causing me to gasp in surprise.

"Did you really just say that?" I inquired incredulously. "Anytime is a perfect time for ice cream!" Tyler was about to respond when the back door swung open and a short, chubby little woman came bustling out of it, her head down as she hurriedly tied her apron. 

"Sorry about that, we usually don't get too many customers this time-" The woman finally lifted her head and got a look at us, her eyes immediately flashing with recognition. "Chloe!" She wobbled over to me and flung her arms around me, lifting me up off the ground. I gasped in shock, but then I laughed and hugged her back.

"Hi, Daisy!"

Daisy set me down and cupped my face, squeezing my cheeks. "I've missed you so much, dear!" She released my cheeks and sent me a scolding look. "You haven't come to visit us in years!"

I sent her a sheepish smile and scratched my neck. "I know, and I'm sorry." Daisy didn't seem too pleased with my lack of an excuse, but she decided to let it go and instead switched her attention to Tyler.

"Who's this hunk of sexiness with you, hon?" she asked, causing Tyler's eyes to open wide like saucers. I chuckled at the forty year old woman who, apparently, hadn't changed in the least bit.

"Hey! Do my ears deceive me, or is my wife flirting with someone else?" another voice called from the back. Out of the door came Becca, Daisy's wife. Her eyes widened as she saw me standing with her wife. "Hey, it's Chip!"

I glowered at Becca playfully. "I still hate that dumb name." She chuckled and pulled me in for a hug.

"I missed you, kid." I smiled and hugged her back.

"I missed you guys too," I said sadly, giving them apologetic smiles. "I really wish I  had come to visit but it was hard to after... you know." They sent me knowing looks and sadness flashed in their eyes, but they quickly covered it up and Daisy pinched Tyler's cheeks.

"So, who's this handsome devil with you?" Tyler laughed but sent me a confused look. I smacked my forehead at my stupidness.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce all of you. Tyler, this is Daisy and her wife Becca. Daisy and Becca, this is my boyfriend, Tyler," I explained, pointing between everyone when need be. Tyler sent them a polite smile and shook their hands.

"It's nice to meet you," he greeted, causing Daisy to grin excitedly.

"Oh, the pleasure's all mine! My little Chloe has a boyfriend!" Turning to me, Daisy whispered in my ear. "How'd you snag such a hottie?"

I dropped my jaw at her words. "What? You don't think I'm worthy of a hottie?" Daisy gave me a sheepish smile, causing me to gasp and swat her arm. Becca appeared out of nowhere and swung an arm around her wife.

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