Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of Nicki Minaj's wailing the next morning. I groaned and sat up with a huff. My eyes glanced around the room until they landed on Alannah's phone. I glared at the phone with distaste, praying for it to turn off.

Leave it to her to have such an awful taste in music.

I quickly turned the monstrosity she calls music off and rubbed my eyes. After fully waking myself up, I set to work on my best friend's wake up call. I shook her while calling her name, but to no avail. After many more attempts of yelling her name, which I soon realized were futile, I came up with a new idea. I quietly crept into Caleb's room and noticed he was awake. He sent me a questioning look but quickly realized what I needed. After chuckling to himself, he grabbed it from his dresser drawer and tossed it to me. With a salute to him, I tiptoed back to Alannah's room.

Climbing onto her bed, I stood on it and prepared my plan. I quickly pulled the trigger on the bullhorn, covering my ears as the piercing sound rang throughout the room. Alannah quickly awoke with a jump, causing her to roll onto the floor in a mess of blankets and sheets. Knowing she still wasn't completely awake, I called something I knew she would believe in her half drowsy state.

"Harry Styles is at the front door!" Alannah ran out of the room like a bat out of hell. I ran after her, cracking up in the process. We quickly reached the front door and I watched in amusement as she threw the door open and stuck her head outside.

"Harry! Harry baby, where are you?" Alannah called in confusion as she looked around the front porch for the pop star. Her words pushed me over the edge, causing me to fall to the floor, laughing hysterically. I noticed Alannah slowly turn around, her scowl fixed on me as she crossed her arms and pouted at me. What happened next was beyond epic.

"I'm right here, baby." Alannah and I both looked towards the archway that led to the living room to see Harry himself standing there. I could easily tell it was Caleb with a Harry mask, but I don't think Alannah caught on as quick, because she quickly rubbed her eyes and stared at him in shock. I don't think it took her long to realize the face wasn't moving though, because her face quickly contorted in a fierce snarl.

"You guys are so mean! I can't believe you would trick me like that," she wailed while stomping her foot like a toddler. Caleb and I were both in tears as we laughed at her. "You're supposed to be on my side, Chloe! What are best friends good for if they play tricks on you?"

"Aww, come on cupcake, don't be mad," I drawled like a Southern belle. Caleb snickered at my comment while Alannah scrunched her lip in distaste, clearly not amused by my fake accent. "It's not my fault you wouldn't wake up. I literally screamed your name twenty times and you wouldn't wake up."

"Whatever, let's just go get ready," she grumbled, grabbing my hand and forcing me back up the stairs. I trudged after her, sidestepping her attempt at tripping me.

Upon entering her room I headed for her dresser, grabbing a pair of black leggings, a jean button up, and a pair of grey moccasins. After dressing, I threw my hair into the normal pony tail I usually sported and slipped a ribbon over it. Finally, I put my glasses on. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and shrugged at the sight. I personally liked my sense of fashion, but I would never look as glamorous as Audrey, who refused to wear anything that wasn't made by a famous designer or imported from Paris.

I quickly brushed my teeth and grabbed my backpack, which had fortunately been left here during our Friday movie night, and walked down the stairs with Alannah in tow. I was immediately hit with the scent of Anna's cooking. Alannah and I took our places at the kitchen island and began sipping our glasses of juice Anna had left for us.

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