Chapter 15

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Walking out my English class, which just so happened to be my favorite class, I made my way towards my locker. I sighed as I looked down at the massive amount of homework I was just assigned. Christmas break only ended two weeks ago but I was already looking forward to spring break. I really do love English, but the teacher always gives out so much homework.

As I was walking, I felt arms suddenly wrap around my waist, effectively startling me.

"This better be someone I know because I know karate," I stated as I prepared for Chloe-combat mode.

"That's a lie," a voice said behind me. A grin spread over my face as I realized it was Tyler, but I decided to mess with him.

"You asked for it," I sang, dropping my bag to the floor.

"Wait wha-" His sentence was cut off as I kicked his shin. He yelled out in pain and bent over, giving me the perfect opportunity. I slammed into his back and pushed him to the floor.

"Hey, no rough housing, you crazy termites!" some random teacher yelled, causing everyone around to look at us. The teacher scoffed and strolled back into their classroom as I got off of Tyler and pretended to look scared.

"Oh Tyler, it's you!" I exclaimed in my best whiney girl voice. "I'm sooo sorry, baby. Are you okay?" I covered my mouth with my hand to try and hide my giggles, but it was too much and soon I was standing there cracking up. Tyler just glared at me as he stood up from the floor.

"Where did you learn to do that?" he asked, rubbing his back.

"YouTube." Tyler chuckled as I picked up my bag from the floor. We began walking together and I reached for his hand to hold it, but he ignored it. "Hey, hold my hand! Good boyfriends hold their girlfriend's hand."

"Yeah, but good girlfriends don't beat up and embarrass their boyfriends in the hallway," he countered, sticking his tongue out at me. I shrugged and continued to follow next to him. His eyes were staring straight ahead but I could see him glancing at me out of his peripheral. He tried to keep his resistance, but after a few seconds it fell away and he gave in. I grinned happily as he entwined our fingers. He was such a teddy bear sometimes.

"You're so cute," I cooed, leaning up to peck his cheek.

"Hey! I'm not cute, I'm manly," he insisted, puffing out his chest. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Nope, you're very cute." A cheeky grin spread over my face as Tyler groaned.

"Hey, there's my favorite lovebirds," Alannah said as she strolled up to us. I looked away from Tyler to send her a smile.

"Hey, Alannah," Tyler greeted with a wave.

"Hey, what's up?" I said her as she began walking with us.

"I have some amazing news!" Alannah squealed excitedly.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"The talent show is holding auditions! Apparently, last year's show had too many bad acts so they're requiring everybody audition this year. They're preparing for the show early so everybody can practice and stuff," she explained.

"That's cool. Are you entering?" Tyler questioned and Alannah frantically shook her head.

"Alannah has massive stage fright," I put in when Tyler sent her a curious glance.

"You have stage fright? I don't believe it," he said skeptically.

"Why not?" Alannah asked.

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