Chapter 11 - Part 2

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"Yes, I'd like a margarita."

Inwardly groaning, I secretly rolled my eyes before plastering a fake smile on my face. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but we don't sell alcohol here. Could I interest you in a milkshake instead?" I offered politely. The lady stared at me confusedly before shaking her head.

"No, I'll just have a beer instead," she concluded, dropping her menu to the table. I was about ready to strangle this woman. Her boyfriend sat across from her, playing with his pants and completely oblivious to the situation.

"Ma'am, we don't sell any alcohol. This is a diner, not a bar," I gritted out, my fake smile wavering greatly. Again, she stared at me confusedly before sighing.

"Alright, I'll just take something else." A real smile lit my face as I grabbed my pen from my pocket.

"Great! What would you like?"

"I'll have a margarita."

I dropped my pen into my pocket and growled, "Tony!"

Tony, my manager and one of the coolest people ever, came rushing over.

"What's the problem, Chloe?" he asked in his manager voice. I pointed an accusing finger at the oblivious bimbo who was now giggling to herself as she twirled her pink hair.

"I've told this lady again and again that we don't sell alcohol, but she keeps asking for alcoholic drinks. I don't know what else to tell her," I explained, annoyance tinting my voice. Tony gave me a smirk before turning back to the lovely couple.

"I apologize, miss, but we do not sell any kind of drinks here that could make you drunk. We have teenagers working here so, for the safety of our staff and customers, we do not allow those kind of drinks. How about I put in two special chocolate milkshakes, just for the two of you," he offered with a bright smile. I watched stupidly as the bubblegum bimbo and tickle himself elmo smiled back and quickly accepted. The lady then turned to me with a glare.

"Why can't you be more like this man? If you had let me know you didn't serve alcohol, I would have chosen something else," she sneered snippily. Steam was probably blowing out of my ears as I spun on my heels and stomped past all the amused customers into the kitchen, ripping off my white, stained apron. I climbed onto the messy countertops and sighed. Benny, our cook, simply shook his head with a smile.

Yes, I have a job. Surprising right? I mean, with my inability to make connections with other humans, most would assume I'd do terribly at a job. Well, I'm proud to say they would be wrong. I got this job at Bob's Diner back at the beginning of summer. Stupid name, I know, but the place was fairly popular. The reason I applied was mostly to start saving money for college, but also just another reason not to be at the house all summer long. At first, I hated it because of all the rude customers. Now, I love it because of all the friends I've made. Still hate the customers, though.

Tony was my manager as well as a good friend. He was only twenty one, so we became friends pretty easily. His father owned this place before him but passed it down after Tony begged ten thousand times. It's been Tony's dream to own this place someday, and now it's finally come true. Luckily, he's a really cool boss. Sure, he knows when to lay down some rules, but he understands how hard life can be. Which is why we're such good friends.

Benny was the head cook, and a great one at that. Don't tell her I said this, but his cooking could probably top Anna's. Crazy, right? He'd been working there for about two years now and has made a pretty good reputation from what I've heard. He's about twenty five, so we aren't as close as Tony and I are, but he was still a pretty good friend.

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