Chapter 14

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I've made a huge mistake.

Now, like I've probably mentioned before, I'm not a makeup kinda girl. I hardly ever wear it except for things like the school dance. But, this being my first date and all, I decided to let Alannah do a few touch ups on my face. I'm not really sure why I decided to, considering how much it hurt last time she did it. Alannah Talbot is definitely not good at doing other people's makeup, and I was paying the price for my stupidity right now.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know it would make you bleed!" she said, as if that made it any better. She sent me her most apologetic smile but I just glared at her.

"Knock knock!" a voice exclaimed from the doorway. I turned and watched as Anna strolled into the room. When she saw me, her eyes almost popped out of her head.

"Chloe!" she exclaimed in horror, but quickly covered it with her smile. "Honey, you look...unique?"

I pointed an accusatory finger at Alannah. "She did this to me." Alannah hung her head in shame.

"I'll never be a cosmetologist!" she complained, wiping away a fake tear.

"You want to be a vet," I countered, quirking my eyebrow.

"I like to keep my options open," she said with a shrug. I rolled my eyes as Anna moved her daughter away from my face.

"Here, I'll do your makeup," she offered, grabbing a pencil of some sorts. I immediately recoiled in terror.

"No! The eyeliner is what caused this whole mess!"

"Calm down, it's just a lip liner," Anna explained, revealing the soft-ish looking pink tip. I somewhat relaxed and let her begin to color my face. While she did that, Alannah went to my closet and began searching for an outfit for me.

After ten minutes of my face being prodded, I sighed in exhaustion.

"Anna, I said I wanted my makeup to be light. My face is getting tired." Anna shushed me.

"Sh, no talking while I'm doing my magic. I promise, I'm almost done." I again sighed and let her continue. After another minute or two, she pulled away and smiled brightly. "Okay, done! You can look now!"

Getting up from my position on Alannah's bed, I made my way over to the full length mirror on the back of her bedroom door. I gasped at what I saw before me. Surprisingly, the makeup was very light and natural, but it enhanced all my best features perfectly. I didn't look too different, but I definitely felt more confident.

"Thank you, Anna!" I squealed, rushing over to hug her. She chuckled as she returned the hug, causing Alannah to pout and cross her arms.

"I think I could've done a better job," Alannah grumbled, giving me the stink eye. I stuck out my tongue at her.

"Hey, I let you pick out my outfit. Now, what am I wearing?" I climbed back onto the bed as Alannah grinned and pulled out my clothes.

"Now, I know you wanna look cute and fancy for your date, but it is still winter. Besides, you're going to be outside for the fireworks so it makes more sense to wear something practical," she explained and I nodded my head in agreement. I watched as she laid out the pieces in front of me.

The first was a white long-sleeved blouse with a Peter Pan collar and a pretty blue sweater to go over that. For pants there was a pair of black high-waisted jeans and some grey snow boots for shoes. Accessories included a ring with a black heart on it, a black beanie, and my favorite Vera Bradley purse. She also threw my coat onto the bed, but that wasn't really anything new or special.

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