Chapter 6

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I was currently at Alannah's, perched on the bay window seat in her room. Alannah was curled up in her bed, reading a magazine. I was paging through her copy of The Fault in Our Stars.

"Are you seriously reading that book again?" Alannah scoffed incredulously. I shrugged, closing the book and turning to face her.

"It's a good book," I defended. "Besides, this is only my ninth time reading it." Leaning back, I returned to my page and scanned the words. "Just because you don't like reading doesn't mean everyone else doesn't." Alannah rolled her eyes.

"I do like reading, I just don't read books over and over again. That makes them lose their appeal. I read it once, and the story is stuck with me forever."

"Oh, stop picking on me," I chuckled, tossing a pillow at her. She caught it easily (curse my coordination skills) and smirked at me.

"I think it's just because you've been in a girly mood ever since your date with Tyler." I blushed, turning away from her to gaze out the window.

"It wasn't a date," I protested softly. "It was a simple get together between two friends in which we participated in various activities together."

"So...a date."

"It's not a date!" I shrieked while tossing another pillow at her. This one caused her to fall off the bed, laughing all the way. I crossed my arms and huffed. Alannah crawled towards me, still chuckling.

"Oh, poor Chloe," she cooed sarcastically, pinching my cheeks. I swatted her hand away. She pulled herself onto the seat in front of me.

"Seriously though, what's going on between you two?"

"Nothing." I was met with another doubtful look. "Seriously, Lan, nothing's going on. I mean, that was almost three weeks ago. We haven't been hanging out much lately, with studying for midterms and all." It was true. November had passed in a blur of study sheets and late nights. Thanksgiving and fall break were finally upon us.

Although Tyler and I still talked at school, we hadn't really spoken a word outside of school. I obviously knew we were both cramming for the tests, but I couldn't help but worry something might be up with Tyler. Not that I'd ever tell Alannah that; she'd probably jump to conclusions and assume I was in love.

"So you promise nothing is up with the two of you?" Alannah questioned. I nodded my head firmly. "Good, because my parents invited him for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow." My head snapped to face her.

"He's coming here tomorrow?" Alannah's smirk returned.

"Yup, he's coming with Jared and his sister. Is that a problem?" Alannah asked innocently, sending me a sinister grin. I gulped and gave her a smile.

"No, no problem at all," I stated confidently. Remembering something, I shot her my own mischievous grin. "What about you, Lani? Will you be okay?" The tables turned as she was now put under the spotlight.

"What do you mean?" she asked, eyes clouded with confusion.

"Oh, I don't know, I just thought you might be a little nervous about Jared coming tomorrow." Alannah stiffened, beginning to play with her fingers.

"W-why would I be nervous about that?" she stuttered. I grinned wider at her discomfort.

"Maybe because you have a crush on him?"

"I do not!" she denied, her expression painted as if she was just caught making out with her Harry Styles poster.

"Okay, whatever you say," I commented airily, receiving a glare. I laughed and decided to change the subject. We mess with each other, but we both know when to draw the line.

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