Chapter 3

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I walked with my food tray in hand towards my table. Taking my usual seat across from Alannah, I began chowing down immediately. After a minute or so of eating, I glanced up to see Alannah staring at me with a smile.

“What?” I asked with a mouthful of food. Alannah quirked her lip in disgust, while I just showed her my tongue of chewed food.

“Okay, seriously, Chloe? I’m trying to eat here, that’s disgusting.” I just shrugged and put my fork down on my tray. “So, I heard the new guy is in your math class.”

“Yeah, turns out he is the guy from the park after all.” Alannah’s eyes widened.

“Seriously? Shut up! This is awesome, did he talk to you?” I nodded my head and informed her of everything that happened. She listened quietly and kept her attention focused on my words. When I finished, she gave me a half smile. “He seems really nice, Chlo.”

I shrugged, “I guess so. I mean, at least he’s not a complete asshole. It’s too early to tell. For all we know, this could be some act.” Alannah sighed and gave me a disapproving look.

“Chlo, you got to stop judging guys just by their looks. Cute guys can still be nice, you know.”

“I know, Lana, but I’m not used to guys being nice to me.”

“That’s because your bitch of a sister has all the boys wrapped around her finger. This is exactly what you need; a new kid who hasn’t had a taste of her boobs yet.” I looked at her weirdly.

“What do my sister’s boobs have to with anything?” I asked, thoroughly disturbed. Alannah set down her fork and looked at me with a serious expression.

“I have a theory that your sister uses her boobs as some kind of hypnotic device to get all the guys to bow down to her,” Alannah ranted. “I mean, it makes perfect sense.”

“Oh, it definitely does. All Audrey has to do is flash her cleavage and she could control the country. Hell, I bet even the president would bow down to her,” I rambled sarcastically.

“You aren’t funny,” Alannah deadpanned with her eyes narrowed. “Whatever, the point is, this kid is obviously not affected by the great Audrey Pickett. It’s obviously a chance for you to get some!”

“First of all, I don’t want to get some, I barely know the guy. Second, just because he doesn’t like Audrey, doesn’t mean he’s suddenly going to suddenly fall in love with me. There are hundreds of other girls in this school that he could choose from. Get real; this isn’t some cheesy romance novel.”

“I never said it was. I just mean you should get to know him. Maybe you guys will become friends, even.”

“We’ll see how it goes. He sits behind me in calc so maybe we’ll talk or something. Is that good enough for you, Cupid?” She nodded in satisfaction and was about to answer when something caught her eye. I looked backwards just in time to notice Tyler walk through the cafeteria doors.

You see, my school has this really weird lunch system. Instead of each grade getting their own lunch period, we juniors had to eat with the seniors; which also means I get to eat lunch in the same room as my dear sibling.

Audrey watched Tyler carefully as he moved through the line, purchasing his food and then glancing around the room. His eyes roamed over all the tables until they landed on ours. He smiled and started making his way over.

I glanced over at Audrey again to see her glaring at me. I glared right back and turned around just as Tyler stopped at our table.

“Hi, Chloe, do you mind if I sit with you?” I shook my head with a smile. He returned it and took the seat next to me. I glanced over at Alannah to see her smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Tyler.

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