Chapter 42 - Job Prospects

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Jennifer's POV

It had been two months since I had moved back home and I was still jobless and still pining after Harry. It was almost a numb feeling, like nothing else mattered, I knew it was a mutual decision to end things but I really hadn't expected it to be as hard to move on as this. Me and Harry just weren't right together, or not at the moment anyway. We both had unresolved issues, mine were less obvious than Harry's but were still a spark that ignited the fire of our split. I could feel my mum's frustration growing, every morning as she left for work I would get the same look, the I'm not going to say anything because I don't know what to say but you really need to get on your feet, find a job and move on look. Other than that our relationship was fine, she was disappointed that I had dropped out of university but she understood that perhaps I liked the idea  of law more than actually liking the course. 

I sighed as I pulled on an over-sized jumper and leggings, tying my hair up in a messy bun and applying minimal makeup to my face. I needed to get out of this house, I had spent far too long moping around over Harry. We were over.

The high street was quiet, it was pretty early that's for sure, almost too quiet, the odd passer by carrying one or two bags passed me, some offering a smile or a 'good morning', the others were too wrapped up in their own lives and their own problems to give a shit about anyone else and I was one of them. The plastic wallet filled with copies of my CV was clutched tightly in my hand as I scanned the shops, looking for anything that took my fancy.

Retail work had never been my thing, but try getting a decent paid job straight off of dropping out of university, here's a tip for you, you can't.

The wind picked up slightly, it was now June but England was yet to be graced with even a speck of sunshine which probably didn't help my miserable mood over the past couple of months. One day I  had sat down and tried to think what exactly would make me happy, what could I do to make me happy? The list had three bullet points on:

-Harry (absolutely out of the question no, no, no.)

-Niall (couldn't see him without seeing Harry which links back to point 1)

-Chester (Harry lives there, definitely not)

So the list wasn't a huge success, if anything it made me feel even more miserable as it cemented for me the likelyhood that I wouldn't be happy for a while.

"Jennifer?" I span on my heel, almost toplling over but regaining my balance in the smoothest way possible.

"Anna?!" I grinned, she gave me a wide smile, her dark hair was scraped back into a high ponytail, her face fresh and makeup free.

"What are you doing back here?" she exclaimed, opening her arms and welcoming me into a friendly embrace.

"University didn't work out," I laughed nervously, staring at my feet.

"So now you're looking for jobs huh?" she asked, motioning towards the pile of CVs clutched in my grasp.

"Yeah, something like that," I breathed, shifting my weight from foot to foot. I really did love Anna, she was my best friend and had been since we were about six but with the distance and loss of contact everything felt, well, awkward and different.

"How about we grab a coffee, I think I might know of a job opening," she smiled.

"I'd love that," better start trying to rekindle friendships if you're going to throw away the amazing friends you had back in Chester my subconcious reminded me.

"You've changed a lot," Anna stated as we sat down in Starbucks, a warm mug of coffee grasped between her hands as I twirled my straw around my coffee creme frappuchino.

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