Chapter 36 - Me and You, You and Me

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A/N: This chapter is a lot shorter than usual as the initial chapter I had planned didn't end smoothly so I cut it to a suitable ending and the rest of the chapter will be posted later on :)

Also, I have a new fanfic, an Ashton Irwin one called 1960s Baby uploaded so please please check that out, I've never been so enthusiastic to write a fic as I am about that one!

Jennifer's POV

Over the next few days I felt a divide between me and Harry. Not from him, but from me. It was strange, in the back of my mind I knew I loved him, I knew I couldn't be without him but in the forefront of my mind I was wondering what was left for me in this relationship.

I knew I shouldn't have these doubt, I knew I shouldn't. I hated myself for even questioning our relationship but surely if Harry was happy with me, he wouldn't have tried to take his life.

"Cheer up chicken," Niall said, tossing an empty chocolate wrapper onto the floor.

"Are you going to pick that up?" I asked, looking at the rubbish that littered his bedroom floor.

"Are you going to keep changing the subject?"


"Thought so."

The silence that followed made my mind return to my relationship, or lack of it, with Harry.

"What can I do Ni? He's still under suicide watch in hospital, am I not good enough, what can I do? Is there anything left to salvage in this relationship if he's clearly so unhappy with me?" I said, slow tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Hey, hey, hey, stop that, don't go all emotional girl on me," Niall said, trying to life the spirits with a wide smile as he leant forwards to wipe my tears away. I shook my head, blinking rapidly to try and prevent more tears from falling.

"I just don't know what to do anymore," I sobbed, Niall's fingers brushed over my cheeks once again, his face nearing mine.

Suddenly everything was in slow motion, his eyes, flicking between my eyes and my lips, my teeth biting down on my lower lip as we both edged closer. His breath fanned over my face as his eyes searched mine, looking for some kind of allowance from me. I should've pulled away at that moment, but I didn't. Before i knew it, his lips were on mine, he kissed me gently, it was a nice kiss but it wasn't Harry. I couldn't bring myself to push him away but I couldn't bring myself to kiss back either. As if suddenly realising what he was doing, Niall pulled back, panic written all over his face.

"Jenny I'm so sorry, shit, I should not have done that, fuck, fuck, fuck," he said, standing up and pacing around the room. I didn't say a word, my fingers ghosted over where his lips had been just a few moment before and sudenly everything was so clear.

All my doubts about my relationship were gone. Niall wasn't Harry. No one else would ever be Harry. He needed me. I needed him. With all my love he could get through this, he had to. I jumped off the bed and slipped on my TOMS, slinging my bag over my shoulder and darting out of the room. I didn't give Niall and explanation, I just needed to get to the hospital.

I burst through the doors to Harry's rrom. He was sat alone in the chair, staring at the wall. His gaze shifted to me as I walked in. I dropped my bag in the middle of the floor as I ran towards him, pressing my lips hungrily against his, it didn't take him long to kiss back. The fire in the pit of my stomach that I hadn't felt in so long hd returned with hot passion. I sat on his lap, my hands pulling him into me by wrapping around his neck. His tongue slipped into my mouth as his hands found my hips. Our lips only parted for desperate breaths before moulding together once again, my body was pressed tightly against his as his grip bought me closer to him.

"I love you," I said, catching my breath and resting my head on Harry's shoulder, pressing light kisses to his neck. "We can do this, together, I promise,"

And with that, our lips collided once again and for the first time since the accident, I was certain that things were going to look up, Harry wasn't only going to get through this and get better, but we would also come out of this stronger than ever. We were young and in love and to some that meant it wouldn't last but with the amount of shit me and Harry have been through, I knew we'd remain together for the long run. Me and Harry. Harry and me.

"You and me," Harry murmured against my lips as we parted for breath, as if he could read my mind.

"Me and you," I confirmed.

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