Epilogue - Butterflies

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Everyone has memories, of their childhood, of their friendships, their family, of big, memorable events and silly little things that stick in your mind forever.

For Jennifer, her memories of her childhood were clouded with her absent father, her mother's over-protective nature and of unhappy friendships and bullying. Of course, she never told anyone this, not a soul. To talk about your feelings reveals your weaknesses, that's what she thought.

It's funny therefore that as a young adult in a head-over-heels relationship with Harry Styles, a bad boy with tattoos, leather jackets, piercings and long hair, she told him that revealing you feelings and emotions made you alive. She was giving advice that she, herself, couldn't take. And perhaps, that's where things went wrong.

For Harry, his memories were filled with a loving and happy family. Bought up in the countryside, free to explore, surrounded by friends. He had the kind of childhood that Jennifer could only dream of. Maybe he was too lucky, maybe that's why Cassie died, maybe he was being punished for having the childhood everyone dreams of. Anne and Des split up, but he loved Robin like a father and still kept regular contact with Des.

Life punishes and treats people in strange ways. Both Jennifer and Harry were evidence of that. Both lead vastly different lives, both had very different personalities.

But, sometimes, opposites attract.

Everyone out there has a soul mate, they may appear at the strangeness of times, they might make you feel every emotion possible the moment you lay eyes on them, or they initially might make you feel nothing for them. Some feelings grow, some feelings disappear.

For Harry, Jennifer was the one that got him back on track, who fixed him. She was there for him in dark nights and cloudy days. She was his rock, his everything. He had trouble admitting that, Harry didn't feel it was very 'manly' to wear his heart on his sleeve.

For Jennifer, Harry was the person who was fixing her, slowly but steadily, he was putting the pieces back together. He was brightening her days, lighting up her nights. She wasn't scared anymore, she wasn't confined. harry taught her to live how she wanted to live, to seize the moment, and, right now, that's exactly what she was doing...

"Marry me?" Jennifer blurted out, the thought had not once occurred to her before this exact moment. Of course, she had pictured getting married to Harry, but never did she imagine being the one to propose, and this randomly as well.

"What?" Harry asked, his mouth open, in shock, as he turned to Jennifer, his hair flopping over his face. The wind whipped around them, causing her vision to be impaired by strands of hair falling across her face.

"No, I didn't mean, I just-" Jennifer was suddenly awkward, embarrassed, her cheeks blushing a furious pink rose colour.

"Shut up, you fool," Harry murmured, his face edging towards hers, his lips ghosted over Jennifer's, his nose nudging hers as his breath fanned over her cheeks, "of course I'll marry you, you idiot, I just pictured me being the one asking," he whispered before placing his lips on Jennifer's. His kiss was slow, gentle, but everything they both needed right now. On Brighton pier, on a bench right at the very end, they were certainly a refreshing sight. A couple so madly in love. Jennifer with her ever so slightly pastel pink hair, her ripped skinny jeans and Harry's white shirt and Harry, unsurprisingly, in black jeans and a black leather jacket, his brown curls messy and blowing in the wind. They certainly looked an interesting sight, but that was them. They were the couple that screamed at each other at 2am and kissed in the rain in the dead of night, they were the couple who messed around like they were children yet, at the same time, were responsible parents, they were the couple that every single couple wants to be but very few are. They were mad, crazy, insane. They were in love.

They had both grown up a lot, they had to when Tristan came along. For months Harry helped Jennifer out, emergency runs to the shop, babysitting and helping around the house. They both had to adjust to having a baby around. When Tristan said his first word, Harry was there, when he first started nursery, Harry was there and, when Tristan first called Harry "Daddy", he was there for that too.

Somehow, they had adapted to the strange life they began to lead, like a couple but not quite. There would always be something there but both of them too afraid or too shy to act upon it.

Life was now different again, with a newborn baby girl and a hyper four year old, Harry and Jennifer never had a minute rest. Emma had, admittedly, been an accident, but not anymore. She was the drunken moment in the south of France, whilst Jennifer's mother looked after Tristan, in which Harry and Jennifer fell in love once again.

They had never truly fallen out of love, they'd simply forgotten what it was like to be needed and loved. Not anymore. So, as Harry and Jennifer embraced, both content with their lives, both finally happy, finally living in a world of colour and light, happy knowing they were soon to be bound in an official agreement to love and cherish one another till they died, they both had that magical feeling in their stomachs, butterflies.

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