Live And Learn

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The next day, Maria went back to Alberto's island to see all of his human stuff, he seemed like he was an expert of humans despite not being one. Maria looked around at all the stuff, picking them up and smelling them, scanning them over checking them out, there were even some more clothes in a pile that she decided to look through. Alberto swam up to his island and checked in his old home, "Boy, she really loves coming here." He said climbing the ladder into his home seeing Maria had put on a red tank top and some blue jean shorts. "Wow, you look amazing!" He said standing there watching her check out his human findings, "What are all of these?" Maria said pointing to his human stash, "Oh, this is a hammock, humans lay in it and relax." Alberto said laying on the hammock. Then Maria looked around some more and then outside. "Oh, right, you've never been out here on the surface. Don't worry, I'm an expert on everything!" Alberto said, "What is that up there? Is it another ocean?" Maria asked pointing to the sky, "No, it's called 'the sky.' And those fluffy white things are called 'clouds.'" Said Alberto pointing to the clouds and the sky, "Whoa." Maria said amazed "Yeah, and what your breathing right now is air." Alberto said, "Air? Like, the ocean?" Maria asked "Yeah! Except there's no water and your not swimming around." He said.

"Huh, and these green things?" Maria asked pointing to the grass and trees, "Those are called trees, like the one in Giulia's backyard. And what we're standing on is called grass!" Alberto said pointing at the grass. "I never got to know what these are, didn't you call them 'feet?'" Maria asked "Yes, and attached to them are your legs!" He said "And... These?" Maria said holding up her hands, "Those are your hands." Alberto said, "Hands... Not claws." she said looking at her hands. Then she looked at the grass and saw some dandelions "And these?" Said Maria getting on her knees and looking closer at the flowers, "Those are called flowers. There's like TONS of them back at the human town." Alberto said also getting on his knees. "Really?" Maria asked "Can I see them?" "Sure! C'mon!" Alberto said running off the cliff again and diving into the water.

They swam back town and turned back into humans, Alberto then walked over to a store worker that had flowers. "Well, here they are! What do you think?" Alberto said "They're beautiful." She said walking closer and touching them, they felt soft and smooth and smelled like nectar. "Is nice, yes?" Said the lady selling the flowers, she had brown hair in a bun and wore a pink button up shirt with some blue jeans. "Yes, very." Maria said "Would you like to buy?" The lady asked "Yes, the entire red ones... and the yellow ones!" Maria said in excitement. Alberto gave the flower lady some money and gave them the pots of flowers.

"These are really beautiful." Maria said 

"I know right?" Said Alberto, 

"Oh! Wait!" Maria said and started plucking the sunflowers out of the pot of dirt, 

"What are you doing?" Alberto asked. Maria held up a flower crown of the sunflowers. 

"Whoa, cool!" Alberto said, 

"It's a crown, I remember when I was young me and my friends would search for seashells and make crowns and necklaces with them." Maria said putting the crown on top of Alberto's head, 

"Heh, thanks. Here." Alberto said as he reached for the roses and also plucked them and turning them into a crown and placing it on top of Maria's head, "Now you have one too." Alberto said smiling.

They both laughed and started walking until Maria started see some old ladies coming out of a ice cream shop. "Whoa, what's that?" Maria asked pointing to what the elder woman's were eating, "Oh, that's gelato. Ice cream!" Alberto said "Wanna try one?" He asked "Yes!" Maria said and they started walking in the shop in front of the cashier. "What may I get for you today?" The cashier asked "We would like to but two pink ice creams please." Alberto said placing the money on the counter. After a few moments, the cashier gave them their gelato's and they headed out the shop eating their ice creams. "Wow! This tastes so sweet! What's it made out of?" Maria asked licking her ice cream, "No idea, but its delicious!" Alberto said shoving the rest in his mouth.

Once they were done with their gelato's, Ercole came walking towards them hopping off his Vespa. "Well, it seems you two are enjoying yourselves. You better enjoy while you can cause I'm planning to make you my next ticket to victory." He said, Alberto sighed and ignored him grabbing Maria's hand, "Whatever..." He said and tried to walk away from Ercole, but he tripped him and Alberto ends up falling on Maria accidentally kissing her on the lips. Ercole chuckles a bit then walks away. "I.... I'm so sorry I, I just tripped." Alberto said getting off Maria and standing then helping her to her feet. "What was that? When it happened your face started turning red and your heartbeat started beating faster than usual." Maria said looking at the red faced Alberto. "I-It's called a kiss. Apparently humans do it when they, fall in love with each other." Alberto explained his face still red and sweaty and looking at the ground, "Does that mean, your in love with me?" Maria asked

"W-What!? No! I mean yes! I-I mean uhh... C'mon! We have to go catch some fish!" Alberto said quickly walking away to the house. "Kissing..." Maria thought and followed Alberto into the house. "Hey, Massimo! Ready to catch fish?" Alberto asked, "Yes, I've got everything prepared, let's go." Massimo said "Great! Giulia, you take Maria to help you with the deliveries while Luca and I hunt fish." Alberto said grabbing Luca's arm and dragging him with him to the boat and sailed off into sea. "Well, I guess it's just you and me and you, hop on." Giulia said as Maria hopped on her bike and started riding door to door delivering fish. After a while of catching fish in nets, Alberto told Luca what happened, "What? Really?" Luc asked. "Yeah, I know! I don't know if it was Ercole's dumb luck or just luck itself!" Alberto said "What are you gonna tell her when we get back?" Luca asked, I don't know." Alberto said pulling the rope moor revealing another pile of fish.

"What? Really!?" Giulia said, "Yes, I think Alberto called it, 'kissing.'" Maria said telling Giulia everything that happened "Does that have a meaning, besides how humans do it?" "It means he likes you! Giulia said laughing, "I think you two are pretty awesome together!" She said. "Huh..." Maria said to herself a bit confused, 'maybe I should try it back at Alberto.' Maria thought as her and Giulia continued with the deliveries.

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