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Once Giulia and Maria were finished with deliveries, they started riding back down the hill back to their home just as the boys were coming back from fishing. "Whoa, that's a lot more fish than before!" Giulia said, "That's because a lot of fish start migrating." Luca said. Maria stared at the pile of fish, hungrily. "Uhh, you ok, Maria?" Alberto asked but she didn't respond and walked away into the house. Everyone joined inside taking the pile of fish so Massimo can cut them and Giulia can deliver. At night, Maria was up in the treehouse eating some raw fish she snuck out of the kitchen as Alberto was approaching from behind whispering "Silencio Bruno, Silencio Bruno!" and he took a deep breathe and tapped Maria's shoulder and she turned around. "Uhh... Hey!" Alberto said nervously. "So... About earlier today... just wanted to point out that that was an accident...." "We don't experience your culture of 'love,' could you perhaps teach me?" Maria asked "Oh! Uhh... Sure?" Alberto said nervously "You did say you were an expert on humans." Maria said "I am! And I'm an expert on love! So I'll teach you." Said Alberto sitting next to Maria. "Giulia said that kissing meant you 'like' someone." Maria said facing towards Alberto "Yes, but there's a bit more to it than that." He said, "Like what?" Said Maria "Uhh, well, like, getting to know someone, someone that's like you! What you like, what your into, understands what you need." Alberto said "Like you?" Maria said, "What?" Said Alberto confused, "Yes, when we rode your Vespa up the hill and I spoke about my troubles, you understood what I needed, to be free, to live like you. And you and I both like flowers and we're both into exploring." Maria said. "Yeah, I guess so!" Alberto said giggling out of excitement then he turned and saw Luca coming out of the window with a book, "Hey, Alberto! Wanna read this pirate book with us? It's amazing!" He said excitedly, Alberto sighed, "No thanks, Luca. You two have all the fun you want, I'm fine." He said turning away in a annoyed tone. "Ok!" Luca shrugged and went back inside to Giulia to continue with their fun. Maria noticed Alberto's facial expression changed, "Why are you mad?" She asked, "You know how you felt when you saw your friends' corpse? Yeah, that's how I feel sometimes, like, they just forgot about me..." Alberto said sadly, "I would never forget you, Alberto." Maria said putting her hand on his shoulder, Alberto smiled, "Thanks, Maria." He said putting his hand on top of hers.

Maria leaned closer and kissed Alberto on the lips like before and closed her eyes, Alberto deepened the kiss and closed his eyes too then pulled away when Massimo called him down to hunt for some more fish. "I'll be right back." Alberto said and jumped down from the tree exiting through the gate with Massimo waving goodbye to Maria who was waving back from the tree.

The next day, Maria was hovering over Alberto who was still sleeping. Then Giulia opened her window and played her trumpet noise again waking up Alberto who accidentally bonked his head against Maria's. "Ow, sorry Maria." Alberto said rubbing his from the pain, "Are you ok?" Maria asked, "Yeah, how hard is your head?" He asked "We are trained to be strong in every step. Muscles, instincts, knowledge-" She started "Yeah yeah, I get it." You won't really need to use those techniques now that your here." Alberto said standing up. "Hey, c'mon! We have to get to work!" Giulia shouted, "Alright already, we're coming!" Alberto said and jumped down from the tree along with Maria as they both headed towards Massimo to the boat. While heading towards the boat, Alberto turned to see Luca get on a bike and ride with Giulia through the town to deliver some fish from yesterday, he turned back around and looked down angrily but sighed and hopped on the boat. While out at sea, Maria jumped out of the boat into the water. "Where is she going?" Massimo asked, "Probably to catch some fish for us." Alberto said as they pulled the net into the water. Maria was swimming fast, going far away from the boat and searching around for anything to give to Alberto when she saw a big wrecked ship. Maria swam over to the giant wreckage and took a look inside to find some more fish inside and some skeletons from when the ship sank. She also found a chest with chains, she swam over to it and broke the chains with her bear claws and opened it to reveal jewelry and treasure, she took some of the jewelry breaking them and mitch matching them into necklaces for her and Alberto to wear.

Some fish got caught into the net as Massimo and Alberto started pulling the net up, "Thanks, Maria!" Alberto said shouting into the water, but there was no response, "Maria?" He said and then sighed "She must be at my island again, I'll go get her." Alberto said and dove into the water to find Maria swimming back to the boat, "Hey, where were you?" Alberto said swimming up to her, "Gathering the fish." Maria said hiding the gifts behind her back then grabbing her floating shorts and hopped onto the boat turning back into a human and putting her jean shorts back on and placing the necklaces in her pockets.

Once back on the boat, they started heading back to shore. Luca and Giulia were heading down the hill while Giulia was timing Luca's speed, "Woohoo! New record, Luca!" Giulia cheered, Luca giggled and hopped off the bike and placing it next to the door. Then they both started walking towards the dock where Alberto, Massimo and Maria were getting off the boat with another load of fish.

Massimo took the net full of fish and brought it inside to prepare for tomorrow, Alberto and Luca started heading back to the water. "Where are you going?" Maria asked, "Oh, I have lifeguarding, and Luca is helping." Alberto said "What is 'lifeguarding?'" Maria asked. "It's when you have to be on lookout to see if anyone's drowning to go save them or if there are sharks in the water. And its quite fun." Alberto said "Can I join you?" Maria asked, "You can, just don't get wet." Alberto said as they headed into the water and turned into their Sea Monster forms. Maria sat on the edge watching them have fun and standing lookout for any sharks. After a few hours of everyone playing and enjoying the water, Maria took the time to continue with the necklaces, carving Alberto's name into one that had a small, thin gold chain with blue sapphires attached to it and some small seashells that spell out Alberto's name. "Hey, Maria." Alberto said swimming up to her, "What's that?" He asked "For you." Maria said holding out the gold and blue necklace to Alberto with his name carved into the seashells. "It's like a promise, as long as we wear these, we'll never forget each other." She said giving Alberto his and putting hers around her neck.

"Wow, thanks!" Alberto said putting on the necklace. Maria smiled, but then Ercole came up to ruin the fun. "Aww, how cute. Number one has a fidanzata!" He said laughing, Alberto groaned in annoyance "Ignore him, Maria." He said getting out of the water, "Oh, my apologies. I guess you two just need to cool off a bit." Ercole said pushing both of them into the water as they turned back into their original forms. Maria tried to swim back up to face Ercole but Alberto stopped her "Maria, swim away! Before he sees you!" "Sirens don't run away from a fight." Maria argued, "Maria, if he sees you your dead! Remember what he said earlier!? He sees you like this he's gonna try to hunt you down and hurt you, or worse!" Alberto said putting his hands on Maria's arms trying to get her away from Ercole. "Alberto, stop! I'm stronger than him! I'll manage what he throws at me!" Maria said breaking free and getting into Alberto's face, "That didn't seem to work with your friend back there, did it?" Alberto snapped getting into Maria's face back "If he sees you your gonna end up like her!" Maria gasped and back away, "Who are you?" She said tearing up, "M-Maria, I didn't mean-" Alberto said swimming closer to her before she ripped her necklace off and started swimming away at a speed too fast for Alberto to catch up, "MARIA WAIT!" He said before stopping and seeing her fade away into the ocean.

Alberto jumped back up to the surface, "Eh? What was that!?" Ercole said seeing Maria swimming away and that she wasn't human either, nor a Sea Monster. Alberto went up to Ercole and punched him causing him to lose some teeth and a bloody nose. "Alberto!" Luca yelled and started getting out of the water, "What's going on?" Giulia said coming out to see what Alberto did. "Ercole, what did you do now?" Giulia sighed "YOU STAY AWAY FROM US AND LEAVE US ALONE!" Alberto yelled as Luca tried to hold him back, "Oho! We're ready for round two!" Ercole said putting his fists up. "Ok, that's enough. C'mon guys, let's go home." Giulia said as she and Luca drag Alberto back to home. "Yes, go on and run away!" Ercole said while turning away to face the direction Maria went and whispered to himself "I have a Siren to capture and a prize to win!" He whispered evilly.

"Alberto, what happened?" Luca asked, Alberto sighed "Nothing I just... I just want to be alone for a while." He said climbing the stairs and heading back to the tree sitting down while looking out the ocean thinking about Maria. Alberto sighed and realized how much he messed up, pulling out Maria's necklace and sighed again. Alberto layed down and whispered "I'm sorry, Maria." Then dozed off into sleep.

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