07. Freaky Chimera Connection

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Thea noticed all the looks of interest and curiosity that were being sent her way, and it did put her on edge slightly not that she'd show it.

"What the hell was that?" Stiles repeated, running further into the room from where he'd frozen at the bottom of the stairs entering the scene of Liam trying to murder Corey, for what, Thea had no idea.

"You're welcome." Thea said sarcastically, a smirk gracing her face.

"Am I the only one that heard that?" Stiles scoffed. "No?"

"It got him to calm down, didn't it?" Thea said, rolling her eyes. "And I wasn't being serious about the chainsaw. That'd just make more mess to clean up and I don't have the time for that."

"Oh, my god." Stiles groaned before turning of address Liam. "Why were you trying to kill Corey? I mean, what could he have done wrong? It's Corey. He's brilliant. We all love Corey."

"Hate to say it, but I agree with Stiles for once." Thea said with a smirk watching as Corey blushed at all the attention on him.

That seemed to be the wrong thing to say, as Liam growled again, his eyes narrowed at Corey as though he had killed his beloved pet.

"Apparently Corey can feel when Thea's hurt." Malia revealed, not bothered by the already burning tension in the room which would inevitably grow with her words.

Now, that was something Thea wouldn't have expected to be the case. Sure, Corey was part of her failed attempt at a pack, but she didn't think any bonds had been formed within the pack; but even if they had, she'd have thought they would've been destroyed after she was sent to hell.

She couldn't stop herself from twitching in surprise when she smelt guilt coming off of the other chimera, as though Corey had anything to feel bad about.

"Well, isn't that interesting." Stiles muttered, his eyes narrowed in suspicion again, not letting Thea out of his sight as she unintentionally started edging towards the door. "You're Liam's anchor and now Corey has some kind of freaky chimera connection to you— I mean, that's not totally suspicious at all—"

"Stiles, stop." Scott said firmly, picking up on the rising tension in the room, grabbing Stiles' arm as he started advancing on Thea.

"No, Scott! I'm not going to let her do this again!" Stiles shouted, shoving Scott's hands away from his arms. "I can't be worrying about what she's going to be doing when we need to be focusing on Monroe! She's the priority still in case you didn't realise it."

"Thea hasn't done anything wrong!" Liam shouted, looking fed up of Stiles verbally abusing her. "She protected me at the hospital and literally took a bullet for me."

"Okay, that's a bit dramatic don't you think, little wolf?" Thea rolled her eyes.

"See!" Stiles flung his arms out in Thea's direction to get everyone's attention back on them. "You can't even appreciate that Liam's trying to thank you when he should be one of us who hates you the most."

Stiles ended up stood right in front of her and Thea hated that she had to tilt her head back to make eye contact with him. Despite the mask she still had on her face, she wouldn't lie to herself that that comment hurt. She knew more than anyone else that Liam shouldn't be trying to find any redeeming qualities in her, but for some reason the young boy was.

"Maybe all that time with the Dread Doctor's messed you up more than we thought—"

Thea couldn't stop herself from flinching at that, surprisingly hurt by the remark even though she'd thought it herself many times before.

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