multiplefandomgirl/Lost: Boone

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Boone nudged me in the rib cage as I was drinking my water in our cave. I quickly put it down and I asked, "What's up?"

"Hey Skylar, I wanna show you something," he said with a smile on his face. 

"Ok, but where are we going?" I asked, putting my water bottle in my backpack. 

Boone stood up and offered his hand out to me. "Just c'mon," he replied. I bit my lip with a smile on my face and took his hand. We exited the cave, holding hands. 

After the airplane crash on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere, Boone had really become my only friend since he had helped me get out of a sticky situtation. A piece of aircraft had landed on my leg, which had severly damaged it, and Boone, using his strength, lifted the piece off. Since then, we haven't left each other's side. 

Though his step sister, Shannon, who had always been suspious of us, no romance had really happened.  I really wanted to though.

We traveled through the jungle, surpassing branches and tangled bushes. Eventually we walked uphill, and we came into a clearing. 

"Here we are, " he stated. I gasped at how beauitful it was. 

It was a waterfall, full of unique flowers tangled in the cliffs around the water. It flowed into a turquiose pool with pink sand and green grass which was greener than any other green I had ever seen. 

I laughed and bit my lip. I looked up at him and all of a sudden I gave him a huge hug. My arms around his neck felt incredible and slowly his arms came around my back. We parted, but still in each other's arms. 

"Boone, this place. I really don't know what to say," I said looking at the waterfall.

"You don't have to say anything, " he said with a smile. This is so unlike Boone. What's up with him?

He led me to the water's edge and we sat down. Boone grabbed from his backpack some fruit and water for us to eat. He also pulled out two chipped champange bottles.

"Well, how romantic," I joked. He chuckled and poured the water into the two. He handed me one and the other he kept.

"Sorry, no one brought champange on the island," he stated.

I chuckled saying, "I don't think anyone would of."

He smiled and raised his glass. "To us," Boone declared.

I raised mine and said, "To us." I looked straight at his gray blue eyes. 

We sipped our glasses and drank. Boone had a little 'ah' at the end and he grinned at me. I laughed and we started to eat. 

We chatted for a while until all of a sudden, Boone stood up and took off his gray shirt, showing a lovely pack of abs. 

"You like them?" he asked, giving me a smirk. 

I peeled my eyes from his stomach and looked up at him.


"You wanna take a dip?"


"You know, swim," he said and placed his hands on his hips. 

I stood up and said, "Why not?"

I smirked and pushed him into the pool of blue water, making him tumble in. A splash was heard and water sprayed up onto me. I laughed and he sprung out. He flipped his hair out and he looked at me with wild eyes.

"You bad girl," he slurred and grabbed my leg, making me fall in. 

The cold, soothing water hit me like a brick and I jumped up for air. I laughed and pushed him away. He wrapped his arms around me and started spinning around in the water. Then started tickling me and I started to squirm. I turned myself around to look at him and he stopped.

Boone looked straight at me and I at him. His eyes were so memorizing and his whole face structure was pure hotness. His lips were perfectly shaped, very tempting to kiss. I guess he saw my glance at them, because before I knew it, we were kissing.

It was a bit weird for me at first because it was my first kiss, but eventually I got the hang of it. It was so roughly passionate, his kiss. Boone's hand clutched my head while my hands were clasping the back of his neck. He lifted my up a bit, so that my legs were straddled around his waist. 

The kiss became deeper and rougher, but I broke it by a smile.

"What was that for?" he asked. "We were just getting started."

I chuckled and my hands were on his cheeks.

"I just needed a breath," I remarked with a small smile.

"I love you, you know that right," Boone said, making me feel special.

I nodded and whispered in his ear, "I know. And I do too."

I backed up and saw him smiling. Again, he attacked me with another kiss, dominating me every step of the way.

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