localqueerwitch/ Divergent: Peter Hayes

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Entering the Dauntless chambers, another day had finally past for me to keep my spot in this faction. Sweat clung onto my skin, my legs felt limp, bruises spread across my body. I was done with today. And I wanted nothing else to happen.

Letting down my dark hair from my pony tail, I plopped onto my bed and looked to the side to find them connected with Peter. The dark young man sat also on the end of his bedside, taking his shoes off. My eyes wouldn't peel away from him, they just couldn't.

"You okay, Karrie?" he suddenly asked, his deep eyes connecting with mine.

I finally flickered my eyes down and began to take off my boots. "Yeah, sorry."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his head shake with a small chuckle and soon left the room. Punishing myself in my mind, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

Peter just saw you staring at him, Karrie. Fantastic.

The strong, sarcastic man, Peter, was always on my mind. We fought once together in training and he beat me, but it didn't bring me down. It sort of in a way brought me up. My feelings for him accelerated tremendously because after, we trained together. Sometimes selfish, Peter for the first time had offered to help me on a few moves. Our relationship grew and became fairly good friends. Not the kind where you always hung out with or came to in need of support, but he was just there. He was my fighting friend in a way.

But now in my mind, I didn't consider him a friend anymore. Maybe something more.

In less than five minutes, the Dauntless chambers were dark and it was time for our rest. Closing my eyes, my dreams were immediately resolved to dreams of him, Peter.

When it felt like only ten minutes of sleep, sudden hands had grabbed my body while I struggled to get out. The room was dark with foreign figures looming over me with a hand over my screaming mouth. Kicking like a bull, a dark bag was placed over my head and my body was suddenly lifted from the bed.

I continued my rampage while my kidnappers continued to carry me. With my mind going to a million places, my heart pounded with force as they stopped abruptly. The sound of roaring water echoed and instantly, I knew what was going to happen.

By the judge of the voices and hands, there were two men with one of them unsure of whether to do what they wanted to do or not. Placing me finally on my feet, I tried to move, but someone had a tight grip on me while I was unable to move my bounded hands. The black bag, covering my sight, was taken off and my eyes were connected to a gray wall and below me, the pit with the dangerous waters was below.

"Someone, help!" I screamed and instantly, a hand came over my mouth while I continued to struggle.

Suddenly, something sharp-pointed hit my back and someone whispered in my ear, "It's time for you to go, Karrie."

I know that voice. It's Drew. And the other, it's Al.

With anger boiling inside me, I kicked him in the shin with great force. In pain, he lost contact with me, but unfortunately, his knife scraped my back, leaving me groaning in pain. I turned around in a quick motion to see Al, ready for a punch, but when his fist came, I grabbed it and kneed him in the groan. Crouching in pain, I kicked Al in the stomach and next the head, which led him to being knocked out by the stone floor.

Directing towards Drew who stood up clumsily, my other kidnapper stood up straight with his eyes feasting on mine.

"C'mon, Karrie, give me your best shot, eh? Let's see if you really belong in Dauntless," Drew stated as he tore his black mask off and flicked out his knife. "But I'd rather get this over with."

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