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(Excuse all mistakes)


Ariana walks into the restaurant where Bernice's dinner party was being held with a mug embedded deep on her face close behind her mother who, unlike her daughter was greeting everyone with a smile on her face.

Bernice hops up from her chair once she notices her big sister.

"Hey sis".

"Hey baby happy birthday!" Diana smiles engulfing her in a big hug before handing her the small gift bag that held her gift.

Once the two break apart their attention turns too Ari who looked bored out of her mind already.

"Hey niece!" Bernice speaks with a false tone of sweetness lightly pinching the smaller women's cheek.

Ariana closes her eyes counting to ten in an effort to keep herself from snapping out.

Diana shakes her walking to her seat which was next to Bernice's and another empty seat that sat at the head of the head of the table.

"I see why we nick named you Phat". Bernice chuckles analyzing Ariana's figure.

Everyone knew how the small woman felt about her weight. When she was younger she was very chubby and would often get picked on about it.

Even though she was a lot more confident then what she used to be her weight was still a big insecurity of hers.

Ari just clenches her jaw shoving the gift bag she was carrying into Bernice's chest making her stumble back a little.

Scanning the large table that seated a few of Bernice's closest family and friends, Ari smiles once she sees two open seats next to Durk.

Von comes back from the bathroom only to see the only open seat in between Arianna and Piper he just shrugs sitting down.

Piper looks over at Dream who was sitting across from them sending her a taunting smirk.

"I'll beat you tf up". Dream announces sending a sarcastic smirk back.

Everyone looks over at her confused but she keeps her eyes trained on Piper who just rolls her eyes waving her off. Giggling Arianna picks up her menu to see what she was gonna order.

After a while everyone had already ordered and received there food but for some reason Bernice was refusing to let anyone eat. Tears of frustration began to build up in Ari's eyes, she hadn't ate all day due to the fact that she was still trying to get used to being pregnant.

"What tf are we waiting on?" She huffs looking over at her aunt.

Bernice rolls her eyes picking up her phone to check the time like she was waiting for something.

"Chill out he'll be here soon".


"Don't worry about it, look ya can eat if y'all wan-".

Before she could even finish her statement the sound of forks and spoons against plates.

30 minutes later

"Yerrr!" A deep voice speaks catching everyone's attention.

Bernice hops up from her seat screaming extra loud to greet her boyfriend as if she didn't know he was coming, even though she had begged him to.

Diana glances over to her daughter who was too focused on her food to see what was happening. Bernice clears her throat getting everyone including Ariana's attention.

Turning around her whole world stops once she sees who was standing next to her aunt, Poppa. The two of them make eye contact her face heats up at the look he was giving her.

Noticing Bernice smirks knowing what she was about to announce would ruin the mood.

" I want you all to meet my boyfriend Bashar!"

Ari's eyes widen as she begins choking on the left over food in her mouth.

"Damn phat you good?" Von chuckles patting her back.

Diana mugs her little sister before snapping to get her attention. "You bathroom now!"



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"Tell me why I shouldn't whoop yo ass!"

"Were not kids anymore D I'm not scared of you".

"Oh really?"


Without warning I smack her as hard as I can making her stumble back into one of the sinks.

"Ouch tf would you do that?" She wines looking up at me while holding her know red cheek.

"Don't start that crying shit why tf would start fucking with that lil boy knowing his history with phat?"

Bernice rolls her eyes turning to look in the mirror. "That shit was so long ago Diana".

"What do you have against her are you jealous or your own niece?"

"Girl bye what the fuck I'm not jealous of nobody".

"Then act like it". I mumble poking her in the head before walking away.

"Wait your not coming to the the after party at the club?"

"Hell nah I gotta go console my damn daughter!"


This shit was rushed
but aye, vote and comment😭.

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