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Yawning, Ari walks to the back of the salon after cleaning up her station. She had finally finished with all of her clients for the day and she was completely exhausted.

Taking a seat on the couch she takes her feet out of her unicorn slippers cringing at how swollen they were. Just as she starts getting comfortable a groan escapes her lips as a pain shoots through her back.

Even though she had only been pregnant for three months Ari was already so tired of it. To the point she honestly didn't know if she even wanted to keep it anymore.

Her thoughts get interrupted by one of the other stylists coming in calling her name.

"Ariana there's a police officer outside looking for you".

Confused, Ari quickly gets up and walks back into the front to see an officer waiting for her outside of the shop.

"Um, can I help you?" She ask stepping outside.

Officer Davis smiles big once he sees Ariana making her frown. She didn't trust the police she had good reasons not to though. At eight years old she saw her father get gunned down by one for no reason plus with how her brothers and friends were living their lives that was a risk also.

"Ms. Fletcher hi". He finally speaks up after staring at her like a creep.

"What do you want?" She asks again annoyance evident in her voice, making him laugh.

"You don't remember me do you?"

Smacking her lips Ari turned around reaching for the door tired of all of his damn questions. She was a very impatient person already but added on with the stress and hormones due to her pregnancy made it worse.

"Do your brothers know about you and Mr.Bartlett?"

Caught off guard Ariana immediately turns back around. Confused, she examines the man's face before finally realizing that she had seen him before.

"I knew that would get your attention". Davis smirks, stepping closer.

"You know we have body cam footage of that night, it would be a shame if your brothers saw it".

"Whatchu tryna say?" Ari frowns, crossing her arms.

"I know Durk and Von bought this place with their drug money Arianna but I need proof th-".

Laughing, she cuts his rant short.

"You tweaking if you think Ima snitch on my blood over that little shit get the fuck off my property". She yells before walking back into the salon.

Ignoring the stares from everyone she quickly walks to the back holding back tears. She didnt what she would do if her brothers found out about Taurus.


Von takes another deep breath before speaking in an attempt to calm himself down.

¨What tf happened?¨

After arriving at the hospital Tabitha was rushed to surgery. She was shot in the shoulder one time. The gunshot wound wasn't even remotely life threatening but Von could care less he wanted revenge.

¨We were leaving the warehouse when we got ambushed¨. Jayda explains to her bosses.

Durk and Von make eye contact instantly coming to the same conclusion.

The brothers knew that if the three of them were ambushed at one of their warehouses then it was an inside job.

¨Did ya recognize any of them?¨

Dream, Tae and Jayda shake their heads at Durks question.

¨They had on masks and gloves¨.

Von just nods his head.

¨Make sure she get home safe¨. He mumbles, gesturing to Tabitha before exiting the room.

Durk sighs quickly following behind his little brother.

¨Von!¨ He yells while jogging to catch up with him.

¨Dayvon I know you hear me!¨. He yells again finally catching up to the younger.

¨What bitch damn¨.

¨I saw the look on yo face and I know what it mean¨.

¨So?¨ Von shrugs as the two of them step into the elevator.

¨So dead that shit it aint happening¨.

Von smacks his lips, waving him off.

¨You crazy asl if you think I'ma let mfs get away wit shooting my bitch¨.

¨I understand but 12 already on our ass we needa lay low right now¨.

Von just nods in response his big brother's words going in through one ear and out the other. Durk sighs running a hand down his face knowing his brother wasn't listening.

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