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Blair's pov

I open my eyes to the quietness that fills the room. I live by myself in an apartment, I used to live with my parents before my father happened but now its just me.

I roll over to check the time; 5:30 am. I'm not a morning person and would so much rather sleep in until supper time but I need to be there on time. Pulling myself out of bed is has hard as it is every day.

I walk into the bathroom by my room with my hair in a extremely mess bun and a pair or shorts and a bra on. My mirror reflection is worse than I that it would be so I scoff in disgust of myself.

I strip down all my clothes and hop into a nice warm shower, perfect to calm the nerves I'm having about today. I don't know what to expect today and I'm not prepared at all but I need to make a good first impression and prove I am worthy to stay on the team.

After the relaxing shower I walk back into my room and put on a simple but still good outfit.

The house is quiet except for the noise that I'm making along the way

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The house is quiet except for the noise that I'm making along the way


I stop my car when I reach the building. It was about 30 minutes away from my house which isnt to bad.

There's security guards everywhere you look. I walk into the massive building to a giant empty room leading to a large grey door which I'm guessing leads me to where I need to be. 

After walking through multiple doors I finally reach the center. Its filled with different people doing different things; Shooting guns, throwing knifes, and wrestling. I'm guessing this is the training center. 

Out of the crowd I spot Greyson walking towards me with a stern look on his face. "8:02 your late" His tones angry and the look on his face switches from stern to angry. "If it wasn't for your many doors getting here I would have been on time" I exclaimed with an annoyed tone. He looked me up and down with an eyebrow raised "Security reasons, follow me" He insisted while turning around and walking away, expecting me to follow. 

I let out a small sigh quiet  enough that no one could here as I walk behind him. I glance around the room and see a couple people giving me weird stares. I shrug them off though and continue walking until he finally stops. "What do you prefer" He questioned as he turned around to me and pointed to a gun range and a knife throwing range. "Guns". By the look on his face he wasn't expecting that "Normally girls like knifes" he scoffed after what I said. I shrugged my shoulders in response. 

He turned his body and walked towards the knife throwing range as he fixed his shirt. "We are doing knifes, if guns are your favorite you also need to learn how to do knifes" He demanded as he walked over to a table and grabbing a knife. Medium size and a sturdy handle by the looks of it, perfect for throwing.

 My sister was the one to throw knifes so I watched and learned a lot from her but I as the one with guns. My father didn't want us to do that same thing. I never have actually threw a knife but I have watched my little sister do so many times. 

He walks over to the a slot in the station and steadies his stance before throwing the knife right in the middle. He turns back towards me and gestures for to go next. I would so much rather being do guns right now. 

I walk up to the slot with a knife in my hands, my legs are skating again and my heart is beating outside of my chest but I need to make a good impression and prove I am worthy of being here. I get my body in a throwing position before he stops me " Nope your doing it wrong" He sighed as he walked towards me. I loose vision of him when he stops behind me. I can feel his breath on the back of my neck and his hands grabbing my waist. By back is against his body. One of his hands lightly tug at the rim of my jeans and his other hand moves up my body. His hand grabs mine with the knife in it and demonstrates shows me how I'm suppose to be standing. "Now you just let go" He whispered in my ear as his hand made me hand throw the knife. It didn't hit the middle but it was an inch off. 

"With a little bit more practice you'll get it in no time" His body leaves mine and he walks back towards the door.

"Is that it" I'm so confused about everything that just happened 

He nods his head and walks out the door, leaving me alone in the range. 

Is he just gonna act like nothing happened?

An: Oooooh and that's just the beginning 

Main Insta- leahaa_17

Characters Insta- kaqxcharecters 

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