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Blair's pov

Its been a couple of days now since the ball and I haven't yet gone to work. I took a couple days off to think about everything and just make sure I'm in the right head space.

I lay in bed scrolling through my phone when Alex's face pops up on my phone so of course I answer it. 

"Hey Alex, what's up" I sit up from my laying down position and lean my back against my bed frame. 

"Want to go to the movie theatre with me, they have fast and furious on" He questions through the phone. 

By the looks of it, he's also laying in bed. 

"Sure, what time" I reply. 

"1o minutes from now" He smiles knowing its only 1 in the afternoon. I 

"Fine ill see you then" I sigh and hang up the phone. 

I drag myself out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready, 

I decide on wearing some sweatpants and a crop top with my hair in a messy bun since I'm to lazy to do it good. 

I exit my apartment and see Alex in his car waiting for me. 

I open the car door and hop in beside Alex. 

"Lets go" I buckle up and he starts the car. 

We arrive at the movie theatre and as we walk in a lot of eyes go towards us. 

An old lady comes up to us as she's about leave "You guys are such a cute couple". 

"We're not dating" Alex and I reply at the same time. 

"Oh I'm sorry" The old lady gives us a friendly smile and heads out the doors. 

I turn to Alex "That was weird". "Yeah" We continue walking until we find a place to put our tickets and to get food. 

"2 people please" Alex hands him our tickets and the guy working lets us go by. 

Me and Alex walk up to the food area and both get some popcorn and a drink. Alex got lots of candy too but I decided not to. 

We walk away from the food and enter the room with the movie. 

The loud sounds through out the movie covers my ears. 


As the movie credits start playing some people start clapping and others just stand up and start leaving. 

"That was so fucking awesome" Alex stands up beside me and stretches his back out side from sitting down for so long.  

"Yeah" I copy what he did and we make our way to the exit. 

We are almost at the door when Alex grabs my arm and pulls me into the arcade room "Come on, lets play some games". 

"Yeah sure" We enter the room and its filled with neon signs and bright lights. 

Many arcade games surround us. 

After playing multiply games with Alex and laughing until we couldn't breath no more we have finally played all the games and its now time to leave and go home. 

Alex is beginning to be a close friend to me, he always knows how to make me laugh and we just click as friends. 

The entire time we were watching the movie and playing all the games I wanted Grey there. He has also become such an important part of my life and I don't want to loose him but I'm afraid if we take it to the next level I will. Me and him are in the mafia, nothing is for sure and anything can happen.

We arrive back to my place and I start getting out of the car. 

"Hey Blair, Are you okay? You seemed quiet tonight and that's not like you at all" He asks and I can tell he really means it. He steps out of his side of the car and comes around to stand next to me. 

"Yeah I just have a lot going on" I shut the car door completely and stand next to him. 

I know he knows why I am like this so he doesn't say anything, he just wraps his arms around me for a hug and I embrace him.  

After a minute he pulls away from the hug. "I have to go to work, there are newbies there today in training and I offered to help out. Ill see you later Blair" He walks to his side of the car. 

"Cya" I watch him as he drives away in his nice dark blue car, not to much different from Grey's except for the color. Grey's is Black but Alex's is dark blue. 

I walk inside of my apartment and Its lonely and cold. Books are everywhere and the dishes are pilled up in the sink. 

I don't bother cleaning up tonight, I'm not in the mood. 

I through my bag down on the couch and flop over. 

I grab the book Grey and I have and I flip the the page I was last on. 

I start reading my book when there's a low but still loud knock on the door. 

I get off the couch and put the book down on the coffee table and start walking to the door. 

I open the door and there stands the guy I cant seem to get to leave my mind. Grey. 

His body leans against the door frame with his face covered in blood and bruises. His normally clean suit is all messed up and also covered in blood. I can tell he looks tired and sore. 

 "I didn't know where else to go" 

Main Insta- leahaa_17

Characters Insta- kaqxcharecters 

CLIFFHANGER!! Anyways sorry this chapter is moving fast, I'm just really pumped for the next one. 

Just a head ups, Alex is never going to be a love interest for Blair. They remain friends and don't show/ have any feelings stronger than that. I know them going to the movie theatre is kind of like a date but its just 2 friends hanging out with each other. 

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